symmetric-encryption copied to clipboard
Gem complains "key must be 32 bytes" even though I give it proper keys
Hi guys.
I'm in the process of replacing an old Rails app with a new one.
The old app uses ruby 2.2.2
and symmetric-encryption 3.8.2
The new app uses ruby 2.4.1
and symmetric-encryption 4.2.0
I prefer to store my keys as hexidecimals. So in both apps my symmetric-encryption.yml
looks like this:
development: &development_defaults
key: "b1c7d3086cb05b5056a6b30f5e55180cec6fb28ef1650ded94947787da9588c2"
iv: "f053932542406db77f3afcbbd7ade139"
cipher_name: aes-256-cbc
encoding: :base64strict
version: 0
However my new app complains:
SymmetricEncryption.encrypt("foo") # => ArgumentError: key must be 32 bytes
I've tried debugging by creating new keys, and get the same result. They keys I generate work in the old, but not the new app:
key, iv = [32, 16].map { |bytes|
SecureRandom.random_bytes(bytes) { |byte| '%02x' % byte }.join
Any idea what goes wrong?
I actually just ran into this exact issue today. It's an open ssl issue.
So you'll need to change your key to use "b1c7d3086cb05b5056a6b30f5e55180cec6fb28ef1650ded94947787da9588c2"[0..31]
and iv to use "f053932542406db77f3afcbbd7ade139"[0..15]
@LaithAzer sorry but that doesn't seem to be the issue here. The new app don't complain over key length now, but gives different encryption results.
New app:
SymmetricEncryption.encrypt("foo") # => "QTa0QWD/CXQPnmCg8BLF2A=="
Old app:
SymmetricEncryption.encrypt("foo") # => "iN35mhZeB/v989ZLZqis8Q=="
The manual test sides with the old app:
cipher =
key: ["b1c7d3086cb05b5056a6b30f5e55180cec6fb28ef1650ded94947787da9588c2"].pack('H*'),
iv: ["f053932542406db77f3afcbbd7ade139"].pack('H*'),
cipher_name: 'aes-256-cbc',
encoding: :base64strict,
version: 0,
always_add_header: false
cipher.encrypt("foo") # => "iN35mhZeB/v989ZLZqis8Q=="
Ah ok, well that new issue seems to be more related to this gem. Sorry I can't be of more help with that.
I'm testing symmetric-encryption 3.6.0 on ruby 2.2.7 and ruby 2.6.2. I used the script above and a different config and resulting strings matched, so I also think this is issue is related to symmetric-encryption gem upgrade.
The same problem occurred when I upgraded ruby from 2.3.1 to 2.5.5. symmetric-encryption (3.9.1) I found some encryption gem same problem occurred when ruby upgraded to 2.4.1+