Sébastien Règne

Results 65 comments of Sébastien Règne

Hi, I tried with the [`inPlace`](https://stryker-mutator.io/docs/stryker-js/configuration/#inplace-boolean) option and the tests pass. But `inPlace` is incompatible with the [`ignorePatterns`](https://stryker-mutator.io/docs/stryker-js/configuration/#ignorepatterns-string) option. I use `ignorePatterns` to remove directories from the list of tested...

The files I put in `ignorePatterns` aren't tested. So there are no test files to exclude with the `mochaOptions.spec` option. I understand that this is not the goal of `ignorePatterns`,...

Thanks for the `mutate` option. 👍 I found another problem with `inPlace`: file permissions aren't preserved. I have a file with permissions `-rwxr-xr-x` which loses the permission to execute: `-rw-rw-r--`....

I created a minimal [testcase_rwx.zip](https://github.com/stryker-mutator/stryker-js/files/10817671/testcase_rwx.zip) to reproduce the permission problem: 🏄‍♂️ - _src/_ - _foo.js_ (`-rw-rw-r--`): `module.exports = function foo() { return "foo"; };` - _bar.js_ (`-rwxr-xr-x`): `function bar() {...

The [`import.meta.resolve()`](https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html#importmetaresolvespecifier-parent) method has become synchronous in [**Node v20**](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/main/doc/changelogs/CHANGELOG_V20.md#20.0.0), but you still need the `--experimental-import-meta-resolve` flag. > **Synchronous `import.meta.resolve()`** > > In alignment with browser behavior, this function now returns...