Just to give the historical background: * For `BoolCollection` the intention was to have an actual `Collection`. Unfortunately, the C++ standard defines a specialization of the underlying std::vector which breaks...
It was a part of the discussion before to go to the implementation of GridLayout: do we need to have a hierarchical GridLayout or a flat one? The C++ part...
@jschueller I am very sorry for the mistake I made in the description of the issue. KarhunenLoeveSVDAlgorithm is *not* a special case of the KarhunenLoeveQuadratureAlgorithm, but is *linked* to the...
I think my description is unclear. I am not talking about a typo in the key, but a typo in the *value* when the value is a string: do we...
Ok so I remove the conversion to upper case in HaltonSequence::setScrambling()?
Hence my question: do we generalize it or not?
This method was primarily developed as a private method, used in a controlled context by other methods. We forgot to add the argument check when its status changed...
A few comments here: - Don't rely on OT for very small values of probabilities such as `3.930127896167556e-244` resulting from `computeProbabilities()` as it may be the result of a difference...
@jschueller You are right, I had understood that you wanted to remove a test! I checked the code in `Interval` to remind me what was the intent of the numerical...
So what do you propose for an empty interval? a