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An implementation of an efficient O(n) median filter in Rust.


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An implementation of an efficient O(n) median filter in Rust.


The median filter is a nonlinear digital filtering technique, often used to remove noise from an image or signal. Such noise reduction is a typical pre-processing step to improve the results of later processing […]. Median filtering is very widely used […] because, under certain conditions, it preserves edges while removing noise, also having applications in signal processing. (Wikipedia)

Median vs. Mean



extern crate rand;
use rand::{Rng, XorShiftRng};

extern crate median;
use median::Filter;

let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new_unseeded();
let mut filter = Filter::new(FILTER_WIDTH);
for i in 0..INPUT_LENGTH {
    let signal = (i as f32).sin();
    let noise = rng.gen::<f32>();
    let value = signal + (noise * 0.2);
    let filtered = filter.consume(value);
    // use filtered


The algorithm makes use of a ring buffer of the same size as its filter window. Inserting values into the ring buffer appends them to a linked list that is embedded inside said ring buffer.


The classical implementation of a median filter uses an internal buffer that is re-sorted for each input to find the median, leading to inferior performance compared to the use of a linked list embedded in a ring buffer, as used in this crate.

performance (lower is better)


Given a sequence of values [3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 1] and a buffer of size 5,
the buffer would be filled like this:

new(5)  consume(3)  consume(2)  consume(4)  consume(6)  consume(5)  consume(1)
▶︎[ ]      ▷[3]       ┌→[3]       ┌→[3]─┐     ┌→[3]─┐    ▶︎┌→[3]─┐      ▷[1]─┐
 [ ]      ▶︎[ ]      ▷└─[2]      ▷└─[2] │    ▷└─[2] │    ▷└─[2] │    ▶︎┌─[2]←┘
 [ ]       [ ]        ▶︎[ ]         [4]←┘     ┌─[4]←┘     ┌─[4]←┘     └→[4]─┐
 [ ]       [ ]         [ ]        ▶︎[ ]       └→[6]       │ [6]←┐     ┌→[6] │
 [ ]       [ ]         [ ]         [ ]        ▶︎[ ]       └→[5]─┘     └─[5]←┘


  1. Remove node at current cursor (▶︎) from linked list, if it exists. (by re-wiring its predecessor to its successor).
  2. Initialize current and median index to first node of linked list ().
  3. Walk through linked list, searching for insertion point.
  4. Shift median index on every other hop (thus ending up in the list's median).
  5. Insert value into ring buffer and linked list respectively.
  6. Update index to linked list's first node, if necessary.
  7. Update ring buffer's cursor.
  8. Return median value.


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