hex-color-regex icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hex-color-regex copied to clipboard

curlies in color code examples and missing explanation for strict mode

Open revelt opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

hi Charlike!

Thank you for this package. I'm trying to tap it and I encountered two challenges.

  1. What is strict mode?

#a54f2c} is used in example and it contains curly brace. That's weird; also, #a54f2c seems a legit color in Photoshop, it's brown-ish:


Let's explain to users what the strict mode is. Currently, I understand it's not allowing hanging curlies in the end (which is a bizarre error anyway imho) and enforcing 6-digit hex codes.

  1. The curlies in examples should be addressed separately, did we really mean to add them?

revelt avatar Dec 20 '19 16:12 revelt