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Memory leak with non-firing event
The code below, when executed with +RTS -T
, displays the current memory usage (in KiB) together with a counter that can be incremented by typing any character. The memory usage keeps constantly increasing, but is reset whenever the counter is incremented by typing (i.e. triggering the counterEv
event). I have observed the following characteristics:
- Sampling
(in apull
) causes the leak. - Sampling
in the host monad does not cause the leak. - The leaked memory is released every time
fires, changing the value ofcounter
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Dependent.Sum
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Stats
import Reflex
import Reflex.Host.Class
import System.IO
import System.Mem
import Text.Printf
getMemUsed :: (MonadIO m) => m Integer
getMemUsed =
liftIO $ do
toInteger . currentBytesUsed <$> getGCStats
main :: IO ()
main =
runSpiderHost $ do
liftIO $ do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
(memUsedEv, memUsedRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
memUsed <- do mu0 <- getMemUsed; runHostFrame (hold mu0 memUsedEv)
(counterEv, counterRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
counter <- runHostFrame (hold (0 :: Integer) counterEv)
debugStr <- runHostFrame $ do
pure . pull $
printf "%8.3fk %8d"
<$> fmap (\mu -> fromInteger mu / 1024 :: Double) (sample memUsed)
<*> sample counter
forever $ do
mCounterVal <- runMaybeT $ do
trig <- MaybeT (readRef counterRef)
liftIO (hReady stdin) >>= guard
liftIO getChar
!c <- (+ 1) <$> lift (sample counter)
pure (trig ==> c)
mMemUsedVal <- runMaybeT $ do
trig <- MaybeT (readRef memUsedRef)
mu' <- lift (sample memUsed)
mu <- getMemUsed
guard (mu /= mu')
pure (trig ==> mu)
fireEvents (catMaybes [mCounterVal, mMemUsedVal])
s <- runHostFrame (sample debugStr)
liftIO $ do
hPutStr stderr ('\r' : s ++ "\027[K")
hFlush stderr
@ryantrinkle What's the scoop on this? Any updates?