reflex copied to clipboard
error when doing pc run
Describe the bug
a long list of failed install errors happens when i try to do pc run
Error Log:
>>> pc run
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ Starting Pynecone App βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
βββββββββββββββββββββββββ Installing frontend packages βββββββββββββββββββββββββ
bun install v0.5.1 (42e9f6e0)
error: Unexpected installing internmap
error: Unexpected installing d3-ease
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-timer
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-path
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-color
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-ease
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-array
error: Unexpected installing react-fast-compare
error: Unexpected installing object-assign
error: Unexpected installing js-tokens
error: Unexpected installing lodash
error: Unexpected installing delaunator
error: Unexpected installing d3-voronoi
error: Unexpected installing json-stringify-safe
error: Unexpected installing mri
error: Unexpected installing kleur
error: Unexpected installing diff
error: Unexpected installing dequal
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-types
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-symbol
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-encode
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-html-tag-name
error: Unexpected installing @types/unist
error: Unexpected installing is-buffer
error: Unexpected installing trough
error: Unexpected installing extend
error: Unexpected installing bail
error: Unexpected installing @types/katex
error: Unexpected installing zwitch
error: Unexpected installing unist-util-is
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-to-string
error: Unexpected installing longest-streak
error: Unexpected installing @types/ms
error: Unexpected installing markdown-table
error: Unexpected installing ccount
error: Unexpected installing web-namespaces
error: Unexpected installing parse5
error: Unexpected installing html-void-elements
error: Unexpected installing inline-style-parser
error: Unexpected installing @types/parse5
error: Unexpected installing reconnecting-websocket
error: Unexpected installing is-hexadecimal
error: Unexpected installing is-decimal
error: Unexpected installing is-alphabetical
error: Unexpected installing character-reference-invalid
error: Unexpected installing character-entities-legacy
error: Unexpected installing highlight.js
error: Unexpected installing format
error: Unexpected installing regenerator-runtime
error: Unexpected installing unist-util-generated
error: Unexpected installing trim-lines
error: Unexpected installing hast-util-whitespace
error: Unexpected installing @types/prop-types
error: Unexpected installing toggle-selection
error: Unexpected installing prettier
error: Unexpected installing get-canvas-context
error: Unexpected installing parse-unit
error: Unexpected installing tinycolor2
error: Unexpected installing parse-svg-path
error: Unexpected installing svg-arc-to-cubic-bezier
error: Unexpected installing is-svg-path
error: Unexpected installing abs-svg-path
error: Unexpected installing bitmap-sdf
error: Unexpected installing superscript-text
error: Unexpected installing strongly-connected-components
error: Unexpected installing update-diff
error: Unexpected installing to-float32
error: Unexpected installing pick-by-alias
error: Unexpected installing is-iexplorer
error: Unexpected installing quantize
error: Unexpected installing is-base64
error: Unexpected installing atob-lite
error: Unexpected installing is-blob
error: Unexpected installing dtype
error: Unexpected installing is-float-array
error: Unexpected installing clamp
error: Unexpected installing arr-flatten
error: Unexpected installing is-browser
error: Unexpected installing flip-pixels
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing regex-regex
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing const-max-uint32
error: Unexpected installing object-keys
error: Unexpected installing type-name
error: Unexpected installing const-pinf-float64
error: Unexpected installing util-deprecate
error: Unexpected installing process-nextick-args
error: Unexpected installing inherits
error: Unexpected installing core-util-is
error: Unexpected installing fast-levenshtein
error: Unexpected installing prelude-ls
error: Unexpected installing word-wrap
error: Unexpected installing deep-is
error: Unexpected installing esprima
error: Unexpected installing esutils
error: Unexpected installing estraverse
error: Unexpected installing stack-trace
error: Unexpected installing supports-preserve-symlinks-flag
error: Unexpected installing path-parse
error: Unexpected installing function-bind
error: Unexpected installing minimist
error: Unexpected installing wrappy
error: Unexpected installing graceful-fs
error: Unexpected installing events
error: Unexpected installing shallow-copy
error: Unexpected installing murmurhash-js
error: Unexpected installing glsl-token-whitespace-trim
error: Unexpected installing glsl-token-string
error: Unexpected installing glsl-token-scope
error: Unexpected installing glsl-token-properties
error: Unexpected installing glsl-token-depth
error: Unexpected installing glsl-token-assignments
error: Unexpected installing glsl-token-inject-block
error: Unexpected installing acorn
error: Unexpected installing stream-shift
error: Unexpected installing typedarray
error: Unexpected installing buffer-from
error: Unexpected installing array-rearrange
error: Unexpected installing array-range
error: Unexpected installing math-log2
error: Unexpected installing is-obj
error: Unexpected installing defined
error: Unexpected installing binary-search-bounds
error: Unexpected installing array-bounds
error: Unexpected installing performance-now
error: Unexpected installing array-find-index
error: Unexpected installing next-tick
error: Unexpected installing earcut
error: Unexpected installing regl
error: Unexpected installing sax
error: Unexpected installing safer-buffer
error: Unexpected installing lodash.merge
error: Unexpected installing polybooljs
error: Unexpected installing native-promise-only
error: Unexpected installing signum
error: Unexpected installing right-now
error: Unexpected installing mouse-event-offset
error: Unexpected installing mouse-event
error: Unexpected installing protocol-buffers-schema
error: Unexpected installing ieee754
error: Unexpected installing @mapbox/point-geometry
error: Unexpected installing tinyqueue
error: Unexpected installing kdbush
error: Unexpected installing rw
error: Unexpected installing quickselect
error: Unexpected installing potpack
error: Unexpected installing grid-index
error: Unexpected installing gl-matrix
error: Unexpected installing geojson-vt
error: Unexpected installing csscolorparser
error: Unexpected installing @mapbox/whoots-js
error: Unexpected installing @mapbox/unitbezier
error: Unexpected installing @mapbox/tiny-sdf
error: Unexpected installing @mapbox/jsonlint-lines-primitives
error: Unexpected installing @mapbox/geojson-types
error: Unexpected installing get-stream
error: Unexpected installing is-mobile
error: Unexpected installing dup
error: Unexpected installing bit-twiddle
error: Unexpected installing weak-map
error: Unexpected installing is-finite
error: Unexpected installing is-firefox
error: Unexpected installing unquote
error: Unexpected installing parenthesis
error: Unexpected installing css-system-font-keywords
error: Unexpected installing css-global-keywords
error: Unexpected installing css-font-weight-keywords
error: Unexpected installing css-font-style-keywords
error: Unexpected installing css-font-stretch-keywords
error: Unexpected installing css-font-size-keywords
error: Unexpected installing detect-kerning
error: Unexpected installing gl-mat4
error: Unexpected installing is-string-blank
error: Unexpected installing d3-hierarchy
error: Unexpected installing d3-quadtree
error: Unexpected installing d3-dispatch
error: Unexpected installing d3-collection
error: Unexpected installing country-regex
error: Unexpected installing almost-equal
error: Unexpected installing hsluv
error: Unexpected installing element-size
error: Unexpected installing @turf/helpers
error: Unexpected installing @plotly/d3
error: Unexpected installing @next/swc-darwin-arm64
error: Unexpected installing source-map-js
error: Unexpected installing picocolors
error: Unexpected installing nanoid
error: Unexpected installing caniuse-lite
error: Unexpected installing @next/env
error: Unexpected installing preact
error: Unexpected installing hey-listen
error: Unexpected installing @motionone/types
error: Unexpected installing focus-visible
error: Unexpected installing mime-db
error: Unexpected installing delayed-stream
error: Unexpected installing asynckit
error: Unexpected installing follow-redirects
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/utils
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/unitless
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/hash
error: Unexpected installing stylis
error: Unexpected installing find-root
error: Unexpected installing convert-source-map
error: Unexpected installing yaml
error: Unexpected installing path-type
error: Unexpected installing lines-and-columns
error: Unexpected installing json-parse-even-better-errors
error: Unexpected installing is-arrayish
error: Unexpected installing has-flag
error: Unexpected installing @babel/helper-validator-identifier
error: Unexpected installing resolve-from
error: Unexpected installing callsites
error: Unexpected installing @types/parse-json
error: Unexpected installing @babel/helper-plugin-utils
error: Unexpected installing to-fast-properties
error: Unexpected installing @babel/helper-string-parser
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/weak-memoize
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/sheet
error: Unexpected installing @types/lodash
error: Unexpected installing lodash.mergewith
error: Unexpected installing tiny-invariant
error: Unexpected installing compute-scroll-into-view
error: Unexpected installing @popperjs/core
error: Unexpected installing @ctrl/tinycolor
error: Unexpected installing @types/warning
error: Unexpected installing detect-node-es
error: Unexpected installing get-nonce
error: Unexpected installing @types/scheduler
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/icons
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/react
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/system
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/react
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/styled
error: Unexpected installing axios
error: Unexpected installing framer-motion
error: Unexpected installing gridjs
error: Unexpected installing gridjs-react
error: Unexpected installing next
error: Unexpected installing plotly.js
error: Unexpected installing react
error: Unexpected installing react-copy-to-clipboard
error: Unexpected installing react-dom
error: Unexpected installing react-markdown
error: Unexpected installing react-plotly.js
error: Unexpected installing react-syntax-highlighter
error: Unexpected installing rehype-katex
error: Unexpected installing rehype-raw
error: Unexpected installing remark-gfm
error: Unexpected installing remark-math
error: Unexpected installing victory
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/icon
error: Unexpected installing @types/react
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/accordion
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/alert
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/avatar
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/breadcrumb
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/button
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/checkbox
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/close-button
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/control-box
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/counter
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/css-reset
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/editable
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/form-control
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/hooks
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/image
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/input
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/layout
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/live-region
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/media-query
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/menu
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/modal
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/number-input
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/pin-input
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/popover
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/popper
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/portal
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/progress
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/provider
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/radio
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/react-env
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/select
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/skeleton
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/slider
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/spinner
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/stat
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/switch
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/table
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/tabs
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/tag
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/textarea
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/theme
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/toast
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/tooltip
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/transition
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/utils
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/visually-hidden
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/color-mode
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/react-utils
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/styled-system
error: Unexpected installing @babel/runtime
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/babel-plugin
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/cache
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/serialize
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks
error: Unexpected installing hoist-non-react-statics
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/is-prop-valid
error: Unexpected installing form-data
error: Unexpected installing @motionone/dom
error: Unexpected installing framesync
error: Unexpected installing popmotion
error: Unexpected installing style-value-types
error: Unexpected installing tslib
error: Unexpected installing @swc/helpers
error: Unexpected installing postcss
error: Unexpected installing styled-jsx
error: Unexpected installing use-sync-external-store
error: Unexpected installing @plotly/d3-sankey
error: Unexpected installing @plotly/d3-sankey-circular
error: Unexpected installing @turf/area
error: Unexpected installing @turf/bbox
error: Unexpected installing @turf/centroid
error: Unexpected installing canvas-fit
error: Unexpected installing color-alpha
error: Unexpected installing color-normalize
error: Unexpected installing color-parse
error: Unexpected installing color-rgba
error: Unexpected installing d3-force
error: Unexpected installing d3-format
error: Unexpected installing d3-geo
error: Unexpected installing d3-geo-projection
error: Unexpected installing d3-interpolate
error: Unexpected installing d3-time
error: Unexpected installing d3-time-format
error: Unexpected installing fast-isnumeric
error: Unexpected installing gl-text
error: Unexpected installing glslify
error: Unexpected installing has-hover
error: Unexpected installing has-passive-events
error: Unexpected installing mapbox-gl
error: Unexpected installing mouse-change
error: Unexpected installing mouse-wheel
error: Unexpected installing probe-image-size
error: Unexpected installing regl-error2d
error: Unexpected installing regl-line2d
error: Unexpected installing regl-scatter2d
error: Unexpected installing regl-splom
error: Unexpected installing svg-path-sdf
error: Unexpected installing to-px
error: Unexpected installing topojson-client
error: Unexpected installing webgl-context
error: Unexpected installing world-calendars
error: Unexpected installing loose-envify
error: Unexpected installing copy-to-clipboard
error: Unexpected installing prop-types
error: Unexpected installing scheduler
error: Unexpected installing @types/hast
error: Unexpected installing comma-separated-tokens
error: Unexpected installing property-information
error: Unexpected installing react-is
error: Unexpected installing remark-parse
error: Unexpected installing remark-rehype
error: Unexpected installing space-separated-tokens
error: Unexpected installing style-to-object
error: Unexpected installing unified
error: Unexpected installing unist-util-visit
error: Unexpected installing vfile
error: Unexpected installing lowlight
error: Unexpected installing prismjs
error: Unexpected installing refractor
error: Unexpected installing hast-util-to-text
error: Unexpected installing katex
error: Unexpected installing rehype-parse
error: Unexpected installing unist-util-remove-position
error: Unexpected installing hast-util-raw
error: Unexpected installing @types/mdast
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-gfm
error: Unexpected installing micromark-extension-gfm
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-math
error: Unexpected installing micromark-extension-math
error: Unexpected installing victory-area
error: Unexpected installing victory-axis
error: Unexpected installing victory-bar
error: Unexpected installing victory-box-plot
error: Unexpected installing victory-brush-container
error: Unexpected installing victory-brush-line
error: Unexpected installing victory-candlestick
error: Unexpected installing victory-canvas
error: Unexpected installing victory-chart
error: Unexpected installing victory-core
error: Unexpected installing victory-create-container
error: Unexpected installing victory-cursor-container
error: Unexpected installing victory-errorbar
error: Unexpected installing victory-group
error: Unexpected installing victory-histogram
error: Unexpected installing victory-legend
error: Unexpected installing victory-line
error: Unexpected installing victory-pie
error: Unexpected installing victory-polar-axis
error: Unexpected installing victory-scatter
error: Unexpected installing victory-selection-container
error: Unexpected installing victory-shared-events
error: Unexpected installing victory-stack
error: Unexpected installing victory-tooltip
error: Unexpected installing victory-voronoi
error: Unexpected installing victory-voronoi-container
error: Unexpected installing victory-zoom-container
error: Unexpected installing csstype
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/descendant
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/clickable
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/focus-lock
error: Unexpected installing aria-hidden
error: Unexpected installing react-remove-scroll
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/theme-tools
error: Unexpected installing @chakra-ui/anatomy
error: Unexpected installing @reach/alert
error: Unexpected installing @types/lodash.mergewith
error: Unexpected installing css-box-model
error: Unexpected installing @babel/helper-module-imports
error: Unexpected installing @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/memoize
error: Unexpected installing babel-plugin-macros
error: Unexpected installing escape-string-regexp
error: Unexpected installing source-map
error: Unexpected installing combined-stream
error: Unexpected installing mime-types
error: Unexpected installing @motionone/animation
error: Unexpected installing @motionone/generators
error: Unexpected installing @motionone/utils
error: Unexpected installing d3-array
error: Unexpected installing d3-shape
error: Unexpected installing elementary-circuits-directed-graph
error: Unexpected installing @turf/meta
error: Unexpected installing color-name
error: Unexpected installing is-plain-obj
error: Unexpected installing color-space
error: Unexpected installing d3-timer
error: Unexpected installing commander
error: Unexpected installing resolve
error: Unexpected installing d3-color
error: Unexpected installing css-font
error: Unexpected installing es6-weak-map
error: Unexpected installing flatten-vertex-data
error: Unexpected installing font-atlas
error: Unexpected installing font-measure
error: Unexpected installing gl-util
error: Unexpected installing parse-rect
error: Unexpected installing typedarray-pool
error: Unexpected installing bl
error: Unexpected installing concat-stream
error: Unexpected installing duplexify
error: Unexpected installing falafel
error: Unexpected installing from2
error: Unexpected installing glsl-resolve
error: Unexpected installing glslify-bundle
error: Unexpected installing glslify-deps
error: Unexpected installing static-eval
error: Unexpected installing through2
error: Unexpected installing xtend
error: Unexpected installing @mapbox/geojson-rewind
error: Unexpected installing @mapbox/mapbox-gl-supported
error: Unexpected installing @mapbox/vector-tile
error: Unexpected installing pbf
error: Unexpected installing supercluster
error: Unexpected installing vt-pbf
error: Unexpected installing needle
error: Unexpected installing stream-parser
error: Unexpected installing array-normalize
error: Unexpected installing @plotly/point-cluster
error: Unexpected installing color-id
error: Unexpected installing image-palette
error: Unexpected installing raf
error: Unexpected installing draw-svg-path
error: Unexpected installing svg-path-bounds
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-from-markdown
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-to-hast
error: Unexpected installing unist-util-visit-parents
error: Unexpected installing unist-util-stringify-position
error: Unexpected installing vfile-message
error: Unexpected installing fault
error: Unexpected installing hastscript
error: Unexpected installing parse-entities
error: Unexpected installing hast-util-is-element
error: Unexpected installing unist-util-find-after
error: Unexpected installing hast-util-from-parse5
error: Unexpected installing hast-util-to-parse5
error: Unexpected installing unist-util-position
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-gfm-footnote
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-gfm-table
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-to-markdown
error: Unexpected installing micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal
error: Unexpected installing micromark-extension-gfm-footnote
error: Unexpected installing micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough
error: Unexpected installing micromark-extension-gfm-table
error: Unexpected installing micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter
error: Unexpected installing micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-combine-extensions
error: Unexpected installing micromark-factory-space
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-character
error: Unexpected installing uvu
error: Unexpected installing victory-vendor
error: Unexpected installing delaunay-find
error: Unexpected installing react-focus-lock
error: Unexpected installing react-remove-scroll-bar
error: Unexpected installing react-style-singleton
error: Unexpected installing use-callback-ref
error: Unexpected installing use-sidecar
error: Unexpected installing @reach/utils
error: Unexpected installing @reach/visually-hidden
error: Unexpected installing @babel/types
error: Unexpected installing cosmiconfig
error: Unexpected installing @motionone/easing
error: Unexpected installing d3-path
error: Unexpected installing mumath
error: Unexpected installing is-core-module
error: Unexpected installing string-split-by
error: Unexpected installing d
error: Unexpected installing es5-ext
error: Unexpected installing es6-iterator
error: Unexpected installing es6-symbol
error: Unexpected installing number-is-integer
error: Unexpected installing readable-stream
error: Unexpected installing safe-buffer
error: Unexpected installing end-of-stream
error: Unexpected installing isarray
error: Unexpected installing glsl-inject-defines
error: Unexpected installing glsl-token-defines
error: Unexpected installing glsl-token-descope
error: Unexpected installing glsl-tokenizer
error: Unexpected installing @choojs/findup
error: Unexpected installing map-limit
error: Unexpected installing escodegen
error: Unexpected installing resolve-protobuf-schema
error: Unexpected installing debug
error: Unexpected installing iconv-lite
error: Unexpected installing pxls
error: Unexpected installing normalize-svg-path
error: Unexpected installing decode-named-character-reference
error: Unexpected installing micromark
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-decode-string
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-normalize-identifier
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-definitions
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-sanitize-uri
error: Unexpected installing unist-builder
error: Unexpected installing hast-util-parse-selector
error: Unexpected installing character-entities
error: Unexpected installing is-alphanumerical
error: Unexpected installing vfile-location
error: Unexpected installing hast-to-hyperscript
error: Unexpected installing mdast-util-find-and-replace
error: Unexpected installing micromark-core-commonmark
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-chunked
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-classify-character
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-resolve-all
error: Unexpected installing sade
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-interpolate
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-scale
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-shape
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-time
error: Unexpected installing d3-scale
error: Unexpected installing focus-lock
error: Unexpected installing react-clientside-effect
error: Unexpected installing invariant
error: Unexpected installing warning
error: Unexpected installing import-fresh
error: Unexpected installing parse-json
error: Unexpected installing has
error: Unexpected installing type
error: Unexpected installing ext
error: Unexpected installing string_decoder
error: Unexpected installing once
error: Unexpected installing optionator
error: Unexpected installing ms
error: Unexpected installing compute-dims
error: Unexpected installing to-uint8
error: Unexpected installing @types/debug
error: Unexpected installing micromark-util-subtokenize
error: Unexpected installing micromark-factory-destination
error: Unexpected installing micromark-factory-label
error: Unexpected installing micromark-factory-title
error: Unexpected installing micromark-factory-whitespace
error: Unexpected installing parent-module
error: Unexpected installing @babel/code-frame
error: Unexpected installing error-ex
error: Unexpected installing type-check
error: Unexpected installing levn
error: Unexpected installing utils-copy
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing to-array-buffer
error: Unexpected installing @babel/highlight
error: Unexpected installing utils-copy-error
error: Unexpected installing utils-indexof
error: Unexpected installing utils-regex-from-string
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing string-to-arraybuffer
error: Unexpected installing chalk
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing
error: Unexpected installing ansi-styles
error: Unexpected installing supports-color
error: Unexpected installing color-convert
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/is-prop-valid
error: Unexpected installing copy-to-clipboard
error: Unexpected installing framesync
error: Unexpected installing csstype
error: Unexpected installing react-is
error: Unexpected installing @emotion/memoize
error: Unexpected installing color-parse
error: Unexpected installing color-rgba
error: Unexpected installing color-parse
error: Unexpected installing color-normalize
error: Unexpected installing to-px
error: Unexpected installing to-px
error: Unexpected installing color-normalize
error: Unexpected installing color-normalize
error: Unexpected installing color-normalize
error: Unexpected installing color-rgba
error: Unexpected installing color-alpha
error: Unexpected installing react-is
error: Unexpected installing is-plain-obj
error: Unexpected installing prismjs
error: Unexpected installing commander
error: Unexpected installing katex
error: Unexpected installing tslib
error: Unexpected installing color-parse
error: Unexpected installing color-space
error: Unexpected installing color-rgba
error: Unexpected installing resolve
error: Unexpected installing xtend
error: Unexpected installing debug
error: Unexpected installing color-rgba
error: Unexpected installing color-rgba
error: Unexpected installing color-parse
error: Unexpected installing color-space
error: Unexpected installing color-parse
error: Unexpected installing normalize-svg-path
error: Unexpected installing comma-separated-tokens
error: Unexpected installing property-information
error: Unexpected installing space-separated-tokens
error: Unexpected installing hastscript
error: Unexpected installing commander
error: Unexpected installing d3-array
error: Unexpected installing d3-interpolate
error: Unexpected installing d3-shape
error: Unexpected installing d3-time
error: Unexpected installing d3-timer
error: Unexpected installing color-parse
error: Unexpected installing color-space
error: Unexpected installing isarray
error: Unexpected installing safe-buffer
error: Unexpected installing through2
error: Unexpected installing once
error: Unexpected installing source-map
error: Unexpected installing ms
error: Unexpected installing color-parse
error: Unexpected installing color-space
error: Unexpected installing color-parse
error: Unexpected installing color-space
error: Unexpected installing character-entities
error: Unexpected installing debug
error: Unexpected installing hast-util-parse-selector
error: Unexpected installing escape-string-regexp
error: Unexpected installing @types/d3-time
error: Unexpected installing d3-color
error: Unexpected installing d3-array
error: Unexpected installing d3-format
error: Unexpected installing d3-interpolate
error: Unexpected installing d3-time
error: Unexpected installing d3-time-format
error: Unexpected installing d3-path
error: Unexpected installing type
error: Unexpected installing safe-buffer
error: Unexpected installing readable-stream
error: Unexpected installing ms
error: Unexpected installing d3-color
error: Unexpected installing string_decoder
error: Unexpected installing escape-string-regexp
error: Unexpected installing color-name
βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ App Running ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
$ next dev
/bin/bash: next: command not found
error: script "dev" exited with code 127
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Code/Link to Repo: i just did
pc init
thenpc run
Expected behavior the base pynecone app starts
Screenshots n/a
** Specifics (please complete the following information):**
- Python Version: 3.11.0
- Pynecone Version: pynecone==0.1.14
- OS: macos 13 m1 chip
- Browser (Optional): n/a
Additional context i added bun to my path and it didnt help
Ok will try and reproduce tomorrow and will follow up here.
Try bun install --backend=copyfile
. This is a known issue of bun on MacOS
how would i do that the install is automated by pynecone
You can try it manually, after pc init
go to .web
folder inside your project and try to run bun install --backend=copyfile
. If it works run next dev
. Let us know if it works, the team may consider to add an option to specify bun backend from CLI directly from pynecone. For example pc run --backend=copyfile
I can't reproduce this issue because i don't use macOS and it seems that the bug is related to only some version of macOS
it fixed it but now #423 is happening
Are you using Brave?
Maybe you can try another browser as a temporary fix.
Same Error occur. OS : Fedora Linux 36 CPU : Intel i7-8700 RAM : Samsung 16 * 2 python : 3.10.9 pynecone : 0.1.14
pc init and then pc run. bun is not working. stop the screen and show anything. (bun installed ...)
[16:01:49] cpe-172-100-0-1/i7@ten10kim:~/pywork/pynecone_app $ pc run βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ Starting Pynecone App βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ Installing frontend packages ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ bun install v0.5.6 (ddec9e0b)
custom install bun. and change directory .web. bun install ok working. why not?
Currently having the same issue
I just installed pynecone via the introduction, but the same error occured.
I checked the errors and I think it has something todo with node and the node installation (or how the pc command resolves this). For instance, I needed to install next
globally (npm i -g next
), which should not be neccessary since it is installed in the node_modules
folder under .web
. Just to make sure I installed deps from the package.json file manually first.
I assume, if I would install all deps from the package.json globally some errors (or all?) might be resolved as well, but I don't like that solution.
This should be fixed since we started hard-coding the bun version. Feel free to re-open if anyone runs into this still.