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Have to reconnect external storage to drawer controller every time world loads
Issue description: Have to reconnect external storage to drawer controller every time world loads
What happens: Basically the same thing as #2120, but in 1.15.2
What you expected to happen: Storage is seen on world load
Steps to reproduce: Make a drawer controller and some drawers, connect to external storage Put stuff in drawers, appears in grid Reload world - drawer contents do not appear in grid ... Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting): Minecraft: 1.15.2 Forge: 31.2.21 Refined Storage: 1.8.8 Does this issue occur on a server? yes
Modpack: Valhelsia2 2.2.3, with latest versions of refined storage, addons and storage drawers.
Can you interact with the drawer controller with hoppers etc after world reload?
Yes, and that showed an interesting behaviour - the external bus sees items added to connected drawers after a new world load, but never gets the pre-existing item amounts. It's like it see's all the drawers, knows what goes in them, but thinks they're all empty.
It inserts into the drawers when new items are added via grid. You can extract those items again, but not any more than what you put in since world load, even if there are more in the drawers. Replacing the storage bus makes all existing items appear.
So, it seems on load it thinks the drawers are empty but knows what should go in them.
I have this same issue, currently playing the MC Eternal modpack (not sure if that matters or not). The issue is specifically External Storages and Drawer Controllers from Storage Drawers mod. My temporary fix is to break and replace the external storages after loading the world, but if I forget a lot of my machines will start to fill up my drive storage.
I have a similar issue in the AllTheMods6 pack. I've found if I just cycle through the import/export/both modes after startup, it solves the issue
Just to chime in, I'm seeing the same issue.
Same exact issue as @onlyamonth and others as above. I'm playing: FTB Revelation (MC 1.12.2, Forge SINGLE PLAYER Refined Storage 1.6.15 Storage Drawers 1.12.2-5.4.2 RebornStorage Refined Storage Addons 0.4.4
Originally, my personal half-solution is a relay (off on rs signal) enroute to the Ext Storage with a button that have to press after every world start otherwise as stated by others the containers are seen but read as empty. Items that my mob farm feeds into the drawers do actually show up after world start but the items that were in the drawers at world load are not visible until the inventory is re-checked like in my half-solution above.
I've been playing with the issue for the past hour reorienting the drawer controller, placing it in different locations, having the external storage connect to different faces but nothing has solved the issue yet. I isolated my refined storage to a RS Controller, Grid, and External Storage and the issue still happens. The drawers block as well as my RS system are all contained within one chunkloaded chunk. I've tried substituting Phantomfaces proxying the Drawer Controller connected to the Ext Storage instead, still fails.
I hope any of this helps. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help fig this out.
Originally, my personal half-solution is a relay (off on rs signal) enroute to the Ext Storage with a button that have to press after every world start otherwise as stated by others the containers are seen but read as empty.
This is a smart workaround.
(As far as I know, 1.12 is not supported anymore by RS so this will never be fixed upstream in that version. However, might be willing to accept a backported fix if one is found for 1.15/1.16.)
Confirmed it's still an issue on MC 1.16.4, All The Mods 6 1.3.7 (Refined Storage 1.9.9, Storage Drawers 8.2.1). Workarounds provided by others (reconnecting to drawer controller, redstone pulse, cycling through input/output modes or redstone modes) also work.
Can someone provide a world (ideally with only the most necessary mods installed) which can be used to reproduce this? I can't get this to happen with just RS and Storage Drawers.
I've discovered the chunk with the connection also needs to be chunk loaded using the FTB chunk loader. Any other chunkloader like chicken chunks won't replicate the issue
@joseph-p-pasaoa I've tried chunkloading the entire RS system and just the external storage/storage drawer part using FTB Utilities, however, the issue is still not happening. Is there anything else special about your system that might affect how chunk reloading works?
Any other chunkloader like chicken chunks won't replicate the issue
It would be interesting to see whether this is also true in the post-1.13 versions (as I believe chunkloading mechanics changed).
I believe it happens with a large storage drawer, it works with like 1 & 8 but when its like 40 4x4 drawers it doesn't seem to load, maybe its a overload of some-sort.
@V8gaming Thanks for that tip; that means that the issue may be related to the storage drawer system overflowing into adjacent chunks. I'll experiment with a larger drawer setup.
I've discovered the chunk with the connection also needs to be chunk loaded using the FTB chunk loader. Any other chunkloader like chicken chunks won't replicate the issue
I was chunk loading with chicken chunks and had the issue, removed my chunk loader and still have it, will try removing reborn storage as someone said it fixed for him but idk
I've experimented with some different setups and still haven't been able to replicate this. It would be very useful if someone could send a world which has the problem, otherwise I'm not sure I or anyone else will be able to fix the issue.
I've experimented with some different setups and still haven't been able to replicate this. It would be very useful if someone could send a world which has the problem, otherwise I'm not sure I or anyone else will be able to fix the issue.
Can send u the mods and config folder and then my world for you to see, for now ive done the redstone signal thing but this gonna be crap whenever im not at the place
That'd be great!
Here it is
And Reborn Storage was not the problem in my case
Just for the record, I'm seeing the same thing in my single player world. It's my own 1.12.2 modpack, constructed through the CurseForge app. As others have mentioned in this and previous issues raised about the same problem, I also have my base chunkloaded with FTB Utilities. However, I have just run a series of tests, and the problem persists even though I have removed not only my base from the chunk loading, but removed all chunk loading altogether, including some chunks in the nether I had loaded.
I may try to make a copy of my pack, remove most of the other mods I have added to it, and then try to replicate the issue in a new world. If I manage to replicate it in a smaller world with fewer mods, I'll let you know.
Okay, so I've done a bit of testing, and have gotten some results.
I took a copy of my pack to mess around with, and tried running some tests with my existing world. After each change I made, I did a "Save & Quit" and then started the world again to see if the problem persisted.
- Uninstall FTB utilities altogether. Problem persists.
- Break and replace both the drawer controller and the external storage. Problem persists.
- Break both the drawer controller and the external storage and move them to the same chunk as the Refined Storage controller. Problem goes away.
- Break both the drawer controller and the external storage and move them back to where they were (neighboring chunk). Problem returns.
In other words, it looks very much like the problem is a cross-chunk issue of some kind. My storage controller is right up against a chunk border, and my wall of drawers is up against the same border, but on the other side of the border. My drawer controller was on the other side of the drawer wall, which is why I could simply move it to the near side of the wall instead and have it end up in the same chunk as the storage controller.
In all cases where the problem manifested itself, I could make it go away by flicking a lever placed on the block next to the external storage. It would then remain absent until the world was next reloaded.
Just to be absolutely sure, I went back to my original world (that still had FTB Utils installed), restored all the chunkloading I had before, and ran tests 2-4 again, with exactly the same results. While that doesn't rule out other mods as a possible source of the problem, FTB Utilities is certainly not to blame.
Let me know if there is anything else you would like me to test.
@Wishbone1977 In your own world did the same chunk thing resolve the issue? Imma test it right now
But anyways its kinda crap cause ur gonna have to put every external storage in this said chunk
Jus tested and it did not work for me putting them in the same chunk
@Wishbone1977 In your own world did the same chunk thing resolve the issue? Imma test it right now
Yes, as I said, I got the same results from the tests in my own world (well, same world really, but my original copy of it which included chunk loading with FTB Utilities). In other words, when moving the drawer controller and external storage into the same chunk as the storage controller, the problem disappears, and the materials in the drawer system are available in the RS grid right after loading the world. When moving them back into the neighboring chunk, the materials are missing from the grid after loading the world, until a block update is forced on a block connected to the external storage (flicking a lever in my case).
But anyways its kinda crap cause ur gonna have to put every external storage in this said chunk
Hehe, I didn't say it was a solution to the problem. It's just an indication of what might be a cause of the problem. I'm just playing detective here.
I know wasnt talking about u when i said crap, this bug is crap
Any progress on locating the source of this bug? While you can get around it with a redstone signal, it's really hampering the enjoyability of the mod for people who play on local machines..
@tivec The problem solved itself for me, idk what i did or if I even did anything, but started to have issues with the multiblock from reborn kinda the same way, when I'd put any new patterns it wasnt updating on the grid, solved it by simply putting a timer conected to the multiblock giving it a block update every half of a second almost
Maybe just a block update fixes it, try a timer in the block that is the last connection before the external storage