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Still working?
Is this trick still working? Applying 24V directly on the motor? I read that the latest models require a KUX110 module to function?
I like to know that as well
I received my Velux shutters a few weeks ago. I applied 24V to them and they work (swap polarity to change UP/DOWN), however my shutters stop before they reach the full closed position. I assume i need to recalibrate the stop position, however i don't know if this is possible without using a KUX module.
I also started today with my project. Flashing the Sonoff 4Ch Pro R2 was okay. No problems at all. The home-assistant side was also okay. The relays clicking but the cover don't move on any button press.
Here is my wiring
Not seen in the picture is that i solder the dc solderpoint to the first adapter and from there i wired it with normal cables
My Power Supply: https://amzn.to/30T9Uux My Sonoff 4Ch Pro R2: https://amzn.to/37F21dw
Any ideas?
Hello, there is a shortage of KUX 110 module since a few month and I intend to try this alternative for one of my Velux SML shutters (I have 2 of them and only one KUX 110 at the moment). I tested it just for a few minutes but I can't figure out how the KUX 110 works: there is always 19.6V whether you open or close the shutter (even when the motor is stopped, 19.6V are present). However, as this repo shows it, I can make the motor turn by applying 24V or -24V. How is it possible that the motor moves with my 24V lab power supply but stay still with 19.6V provided by the KUX 110 module (until I press a button on the remote control)?
Ok, I cannot drive the motor with +/-24V anymore since I've initialized it with the KUX 110 module. There is some kind of controller in the SML shutter that stores an initialized state and it seems that it can't revert to the 'dumb' state from the factory. I don't know if there is some kind of procedure to revert the motor controller to the factory reset state.
I can confirm that it's still working. It's been 4 years now and it opens and closes my Velux SML daily.
It doesn't surprise me that it stay still even with power provided. The way I use them is to always provide +24V or -24V and let the built-in controller stop the motor.
It also requires that power is provided for a few minutes before it reacts, but only sometimes and it seems dependent on temperature. Keeping them always powered makes them react instantly.
Unfortunately, I never had a KUX 110 to test them with. I'm surprised that the voltage it provide is 19.6V considering that it seems to come with a 24V power supply.
@reefab I checked on different forums and, indeed, I should have not use it with the KUX 110 as it change the state of the controller to IO mode. From that point, it is impossible to reset it to the factory state where you can provide +/-24V to revert the motor direction. I have 2 more Velux SML untouched from factory, I will try to use them with this controller: https://www.domadoo.fr/fr/peripheriques/2951-qubino-micromodule-pour-volet-roulant-12-24vdc-et-consometre-z-wave-zmnhod1-flush-shutter-dc-3830062070089.html as I already have a Z wave controller
Do you have a link to those forum posts? I'll put a note on the readme so that it's clear that a KUX 110 shouldn't be used beforehand.
Since 2014, it seems that you cannot factory reset the motor if it has been appaired with one KUX box (french) :
https://community.jeedom.com/t/boitier-kux-110/39993/4 https://www.planete-domotique.com/blog/2013/08/29/comment-piloter-ses-volets-roulants-velux/#comment-111360
Also, an article that is worth reading: https://smarthome.exposed/controlling-velux-windows/
I'm afraid that there is not much on the motor controller PCB that is hackable:
The motor ref is 831866 49BK12KA.
The only programmable chip ist the EFM32G30F128 microcontroller. No separate eeprom unfortunately. The status should be in the internal flash and it may not have any way to change it.
The other main chips are: DRV8842 (motor driver H bridge), M33063A (switching power supply controller, to create 3.3V for the microcontroller, I guess)
No component on the other side of the board except test points.
@reefab I checked on different forums and, indeed, I should have not use it with the KUX 110 as it change the state of the controller to IO mode. From that point, it is impossible to reset it to the factory state where you can provide +/-24V to revert the motor direction. I have 2 more Velux SML untouched from factory, I will try to use them with this controller: https://www.domadoo.fr/fr/peripheriques/2951-qubino-micromodule-pour-volet-roulant-12-24vdc-et-consometre-z-wave-zmnhod1-flush-shutter-dc-3830062070089.html as I already have a Z wave controller
Hello, have you been able to control those untouched SMLs with 24V?
I finally go the full velux option because my external 24V 2.7A power bloc wasn't powerful enough to start the velux (the inrush current is too high). At this point it was cheaper to use a KUX110 from Velux. Moreover the Qubino relay is only rated for 2A so I would had to add a beefier relay.
I had been able to run the motor unloaded with the 24V method (both directions by reversing the polarity). But, with the full assembly, it is too heavy and I guess a big power supply (5 or 10A) could do the job.
a soft start may solve the problem though
Just this week I got a set of three SML on SK08 (114x140cm) and one MML on a UK04 (134x98cm). I did not yet try this repo/esphome, but Tasmota on my 8 Channel Relay board (20€) drives them just fine; though I only run one at a time using interlock mode.
(Reason: I've read if the controllers share the power line, they talk to each other and enter IO mode; unless a filter is used. I'm not eager to test that, though it seems this is no issue for Fabien?)
Regarding power: PSU is a Meanwell MDR-60-24 (24V 2.5A) I already had in the parts bin; this is a rather decent part. Power lines are as recommended by Velux: Cheapest 0,75mm² the hardware store had to offer of varying length (up to 8m for the SML, the MML is even at ~14m). I properly crimped all connectors. If your PSU suffers, maybe some connection is bad or the PSU can not deliver as much power as advertised.
Hi @archi, Can you give more details about your setup ?
Currently owner of 4 SML cover which have been tested successfully with an 24V input from this device: https://www.domotique-store.fr/domotique/usages/volets-roulants-automatiques-a-distance-sans-fil/modules-encastrables/micromodules-actionneurs-volets-roulants-sans-fil-domotique/1905-commande-de-volets-24v-type-velux-par-ethernet.html
I’m looking to another possible form factor.
Been able to successfully done it for my 4 Velux SML.
Not having much luck with my FMC window blinds. I have a KUX110 with which I tried the reset trick, but without success :|