node-vsphere-soap copied to clipboard
Node.js module for accessing VMware vCenter/ESXi hosts using SOAP
This is a Node.js module to connect to VMware vCenter servers and/or ESXi hosts and perform operations using the vSphere Web Services API. If you're feeling really adventurous, you can use this module to port vSphere operations from other languages (such as the Perl, Python, and Go libraries that exist) and have fully native Node.js code controlling your VMware virtual infrastructure!
This is very much in alpha.
- Patrick C - @reedog117
$ npm install node-vsphere-soap --save
Sample Code
To connect to a vCenter server:
var nvs = require('node-vsphere-soap');
var vc = new nvs.Client(host, user, password, sslVerify);
vc.once('ready', function() {
// perform work here
vc.once('error', function(err) {
// handle error here
- host = hostname or IP of vCenter/ESX/ESXi server
- user = username
- password = password
- sslVerify = true|false - set to false if you have self-signed/unverified certificates
- ready = emits when session authenticated with server
- error = emits when there's an error
- err contains the error
Client instance variables
- serviceContent - ServiceContent object retrieved by RetrieveServiceContent API call
- userName - username of authenticated user
- fullName - full name of authenticated user
To run a command:
var vcCmd = vc.runCommand( commandToRun, arguments );
vcCmd.once('result', function( result, raw, soapHeader) {
// handle results
vcCmd.once('error', function( err) {
// handle errors
- commandToRun = Method from the vSphere API
- arguments = JSON document containing arguments to send
- result = emits when session authenticated with server
- result contains the JSON-formatted result from the server
- raw contains the raw SOAP XML response from the server
- soapHeader contains any soapHeaders from the server
- error = emits when there's an error
- err contains the error
Make sure you check out tests/vsphere-soap.test.js for examples on how to create commands to run
node-vsphere-soap uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- node-soap - SOAP client for Node.js
- soap-cookie - cookie authentication for the node-soap module
- lodash - for quickly manipulating JSON
- lab - testing engine
- code - assertion engine used with lab
Want to contribute? Great!
- Write More Tests
- Create Travis CI test harness with a fake vCenter Instance
- Add Code Comments
I have been testing on a Mac with node v0.10.36 and both ESXi and vCenter 5.5.
To edit tests, edit the file test/vsphere-soap.test.js
To point the module at your own vCenter/ESXi host, edit config-test.stub.js and save it as config-test.js
To run test scripts:
$ npm test