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SWIG 4.x
Switch to SWIG 4.x. Test. Update documentation, scripts, Visual C++ projects etc.
I already use swig 4.x, vs 2019, and python 3.7. I'm using it to integrate Aria with Matlab 2020a. Works fine! How can I help with this?
Hi, great to hear it's working! Mind if I ask a few questions to help understand what I could do with AriaCoda?
Are you using AriaCoda or an old ARIA release from Adept/MobileRobots?
Did you have to make any changes to the SWIG config (wrapper.i), library code, visual studio config? (Did you use provided project files or make new ones?)
What could be improved to make it easier? Documentation? Examples?
Do you think that using Python in Matlab is easier than accessing the C++ library (or the small C wrapper like the Matlab interface provided with ARIA currently does)?
First I used ARIA from MobileRobots (2.9.4). Now I'm using AriaCoda. So the python wrapper is working with AriaCoda.
I did not have to change anything in "wrapper.i" but I have a lot of problems with Visual Studio configuration and with the pre-processor directive "WIN32", because it appears as "_WIN32" in some files. So you can put the two on the VS config file or change the library code.
To improve the processes, mainly I think the VS files can be updated and avoid to have different files for different VS versions.
My solution is using a python program communicating through tcp/ip with Matlab. It is not a substitute for the C++ wrapper. Just a solution to avoid the C++ matlab wrapper problems.