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Update: This is a bizarre issue, I am now able to reproduce the issue locally, but only on some platforms: - ✅ Docker for Mac - Macbook Air M1 Apple...
Update, after updating Docker for Mac on my M1 from `4.1` to `4.16` it is now not working on any platform. Points for consistency, I guess? - ❗ Docker for...
Just in case anyone missed it, reverting to [Docker Desktop 4.1.1 (MacOS)]( allowed us to get local dev working again. Tested with Chrome, macOS Big Sur, Docker Desktop 4.1.1, Intel-based...
@dpcartwright just checking: - Which OS? - Are you using Docker Desktop? - Did you upgrade Docker at any point in the past 12 months?
If you're on host networking mode already I'd suggest it's probably something at a higher layer → are other UDP applications working? Do you have ICE/STUN set up? Is the...
Had a similar idea but unfortunately: > According to the specifications [[1](, [2](], navigator.mediaDevices and RTCPeerConnection are not defined for web workers, so WebRTC shouldn't be available on web...
Maybe [Transferable Streams]( could work?
> Might this be a problem with a different TS config or TS version? Possibly! I believe I was on latest, not sure if VSCode pulls in a different bin...
No problem @Shegox! Sorry it has to be this way 😓
Shortcut for later: - [**PIXI v8 Migration - Breaking changes**]( I think the main impact for this library will (obviously) be the changes to `Sprite` and `Text` - i.e. creating...