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Redux FAQ: Organizing State Outdated
What docs page needs to be fixed?
- Faq:
- Redux FAQ: Organizing State:
What is the problem?
I was looking at this today and this FAQ seems outdated.
In particular, it links to two community packages that have been out of date since 2015:
redux-component, redux-react-local
It also makes mention of this.setState().
There is no mention of RTK, useSelector, or react hooks.
As a beginner, this is a very confusing page to come across via Google.
What should be changed to fix the problem?
Ideally - it should be updated. If not - it should be marked as depreciated or removed.
Yeah, I wrote the original FAQ page back in 2016, and most of it hasn't been updated since then. Unfortunately, I'm busy enough that I haven't had time to go through and clean it up. Sorry!
The general principles in the FAQ are still 100% valid, but agreed that some of the specific bits of advice and links are out of date.
If anyone else would like to help sweep through the FAQ entries and update things, I'd really appreciate it!
Looking into this issue