Hi and thank you for all this work! My hero8 - I can access its interface IP from CLI - does not deliver anything on the port 8554, nor 8080...
Hi Thomas I have my Blazegraph server under a local url like (blazegraph 2.1.4) which is de facto a SPARQL 1.1 endpoint. The repository is: triples with text index...
Thank you for publishing this :) The software is very nice - uses itself mysqldump . It produces a secure (compressed and encrypted) output but - **due to the fact...
Dear J. first of all my compliments for all those solutions! I am seeking for a robust SPARQL engine extension to NEO4J 3.xx and I would like to ask you...
Dear blazegraph community / SYSTAP Semweb realized several applications successfully using blazegraph. Thank you for being. I am using the latest version of your blazegraph.jar (thank you). What I am...
Hello again dear community Thank you so far for helping/answering my questions. I am experiencing a more or less unexpected behaviour concerning inference while inserting "similar" (but not same) RDF...