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Terraform provider for reading secrets from Hashicorp Vault


Terraform provider for reading secrets from Hashicorp Vault

This provider allows you to retrieve secrets from a Vault instance and access them as variables within your Terraform configurations. It can provide convenient access to sensitive material, including:

  • AWS credentials
  • SSH keys
  • SSL certificate keys

Important Security Notice

This provider currently stores unencrypted secrets as plaintext in your .tfstate files! Do not use this module unless you have taken steps to ensure your .tfstate files are encrypted or otherwise secured. This provider should be considered unsafe until a solution has been found for terraform:#516.


Provider configuration

This module implements a vault provider.

provider "vault" {
    address = "https://vault:8200"
    app_id = "..."
    user_id = "..."
    token = "..."

The Vault provider currently supports token, app-id, userpass, and ldap authentication.

  • address - (required) URL to the Vault API
  • token - Explicit token for token authentication
  • app_id - Application ID for app-id authentication
  • user_id - User ID for app-id authentication
  • user - Username for userpass authentication
  • pass - Password for userpass authentication
  • ldapuser - Username for ldap authentication
  • ldappass - Password for ldap authentication

Resource configuration

This module implements a vault_secret resource.

resource "vault_secret" "aws" {
    path = "/secret/aws/credentials"
  • path - The path to the secret store for this resource

The contents of path will be stored as a map in the data variable of the resource.


provider "vault" {
    address = "https://vault:8200"
    app_id = "eea928cc-2e83-4db7-8ad2-b90b7bd43542"
    user_id = "${file("~/.user-id")}"

resource "vault_secret" "aws" {
    path = "/secret/aws/credentials"

# Assuming a Vault entry with the following fields:
#   access_key
#   secret_key
provider "aws" {
    access_key = "${vault_secret.aws.data.access_key}"
    secret_key = "${vault_secret.aws.data.secret_key}"

resource "vault_secret" "cert" {
    path = "/secret/certs/www"

# Assuming a Vault entry with the following fields:
#   cert
#   key
resource "aws_iam_server_certificate" "www" {
    name = "www"
    certificate_body = "${vault_secret.www.data.cert}"
    private_key = "${vault_secret.www.data.key}"


Derek Moore