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Feature Request: kSQL view
Similar to the schema registry integration, it would be nice to be able to provide a link to a kSQL instance in the Kowl config, and be able to see the streams/tables available in that instance, as well as a way to make queries through kSQL's REST API. All of this would be pretty similar to the kSQL integration in Confluent Control Center
Is this available and simply the issue ticket left open? Or still not available?
@patrickangeles - thinking re replacement functionality we have in existing stack to adopt kowl with redpanda.
Bit of update, could even be an integration or embedding of trino so could query Kafka data via SQL within console
kSQL looks to be increasingly abandoned, and everybody expects Flink to replace it. Would this make sense to reframe as a Flink issue, or some issue that can be generic enough to capture both kSQL / Flink / any stream-like thing?