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Build images on PRs from community users
Contributors should be able tests their images on their clusters
User Story
AS A OSS contributor
I WANT TO the Build and publish Docker
pipeline to be trigger on PR from my fork
SO I can see results of smoke tests and test my changes in runtime
Acceptance criteria
GIVEN OSS contributor
WHEN PR to the main branch is opened
THEN Build and publish Docker
pushes it to Github cache registry (not to dockerhub)
Definition of done
- [ ] Relevant PRs are merged
- [ ] Tested by peer
- [ ] Updated documentation reviewed by peer
- [ ] Short demo video recorded and stored on google drive (if applicable)
Adding to .github/workflows/main.yml file:
branches: [main]
could solve this issue but we must ensure that by adding a PR release job is not triggered
Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @Ani1357 @dennisvankekem @ElderMatt @ferruhcihan @srodenhuis @staticvoid255