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asyncio (aioredis) lock never being acquired
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redis lock acquiring not working - stays running and never acquires
this is my code:
pool = aioredis.ConnectionPool.from_url("redis://localhost:6379")
redis = await aioredis.Redis(connection_pool=pool, ssl=False, ssl_cert_reqs="None")
async with redis.lock("hello_lock") as lock:
await redis.hset("hello", "1", "2")
the Context Manager never gets entered and it seems like the lock is not being acquired at all. The program stays running/stuck on this line:
async with redis.lock("hello_lock") as lock:
Acquiring the lock should be a very quick thing so i'm confused whats happening here. Any help would be appreciated.
hi @3awny have you tried using a different version of python and redis-py? I'm currently looking into using async redis lock with fastapi, but could not find any example online. Not sure if it will work...
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