go-redis copied to clipboard
Can't call NewScanCmd
tag v8.0.0-beta.6
NewScanCmd has parameter process cmdable
cmdable is not public interface.
So we can't pass a value to a cmdable
this is my cmdale
type tairCmdable func(ctx context.Context, cmd redis.Cmder) error // cmdable 是一个函数接口
I want to extend same command based on go-redis
// todo cmdable not export
func (tc tairCmdable) TrScan(ctx context.Context,key string, cursor int64, count int64) *redis.ScanCmd {
a := make([]interface{}, 4)
a[0] = "tr.scan"
a[1] = key
a[2] = cursor
a[3] = count
cmd := redis.NewScanCmd(ctx, interface{}(tc).(redis.cmdable), a...)
_ = tc(ctx, cmd)
return cmd
but it not successed due to NewScanCmd
## Expected Behavior
I cannot pass it to NewScanCmd()
we can't pass a value to a cmdable
func NewScanCmd(ctx context.Context, process cmdable, args ...interface{}) *ScanCm
<!--- Tell us what should happen -->
how change tairCmadle to cmdable