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Quarkus Tutorial for https://dn.dev/master

Results 17 quarkus-tutorial issues
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test the tutorial in windows as now Graal has support for windows


Making Quarkus version as environment variable, as that helps in the commands like to be easy to maintain during release updates: ``` mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:$QUARKUS_VERSION:create \ -DprojectGroupId="com.example" \ -DprojectArtifactId="fruits-app" \ -DprojectVersion="1.0-SNAPSHOT"...


The security section has a bunch of curl requests that may need to be updated to work for windows users.


When I start the quarkus tutorial in vs code in a dev container, I'm not able to open a terminal. ![image](https://github.com/redhat-developer-demos/quarkus-tutorial/assets/373537/de8f7640-f8a2-49f8-888a-adab3f2f11a6)


During one of the runs one of the attendees commented on how much easier it would be to have a dev container for vscode rather than having to install all...