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Integrate with Cert Manager
We would like to explore how we might use this project as a wrapper around Jetstack Cert Manager. This project is gaining a lot of traction, even getting PKI vendors to contribute plugins. what they don't have is support for OpenShift, specifically routes.
@sysmatrix1 @raffaelespazzoli @sabre1041
I created a OCP helm chart for cert manager. changed only a few things from the original. I mainly eliminated the validation admission webhook which complicated things too much in my opinion. you can find it here: https://github.com/raffaelespazzoli/openshift-cert-manager
I did some noodling on how this might work, and scratched out a workflow:
I suggest watching on the created secret rather than on the certificate CR. That way you get notified also when certificates are renewed.
@etsauer @raffaelespazzoli can we start a google doc to include these design discussions?