cert-operator copied to clipboard
An OpenShift controller using the Operator SDK for managing TLS certficate lifecycle
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If configuration file is missing, the operator would fail to start with error that kind '' is not valid. This fixes the situation and will load the default configuration if...
Hey, this project seems very interesting. One question, is this operator only for Apps, or also for cluster certs, such as the Console or the routers? It would bee very...
replacing incorrect deployment file name
Some dependency has downgraded "contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/ocagent" breaking cert-operator.
Due to bug: asim/go-config#99, the configuration will turn up empty and will cause failure at startup if the file is missing.
When configuration for the operator is incomplete or missing the operator still starts successfully and partially processes the annotation into a broken state.
Trying to build this into an image and its failing due to : github.com/redhat-cop/cert-operator/pkg/config/config.go:75:3: undefined: memory.WithData. Seems like WithData is no longer a valid method in the memory package.
Secrets type cannot be change when a cert is requested on a passthrough, if a secret already exist and isn't of type TLS. The service secret cannot be set. The...
Operator logs should be in JSON format or have the option to be properly parsed by Sumologic.