org2nikola copied to clipboard
export org into html used by static blog generator like
- org2nikola Convert Org into HTML used by static blog generator [[][nikola]].
- URL is normalized into pinyin if article title is Chinese
- Support 3rd party syntax highlighter JS library like [[][highlight.js]]
- local image supported
[[][Here is my blog created by org2nikola]].
Screenshot: [[]]
- Install Download org2nikola.el and put it somewhere, say "~/.emacs.d/lisp/nikola".
Insert below code into ~/.emacs: #+BEGIN_SRC (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/nikola") (require 'org2nikola) ;; OPTIONAL, set the root directory of nikola ;; "~/.config/nikola/posts" contains the *.meta and *.wp (setq org2nikola-output-root-directory "~/.config/nikola") #+END_SRC
- Usage ** Render HTML Say I got a org file with following content: #+BEGIN_SRC org
- article 1 blah
- article 2 blah blah #+END_SRC
Put focus in inside of subtree "article 2" and =M-x org2nikola-export-subtree=. That's it.
Org2nikola output files into "~/.config/nikola". You need run =cd ~/.config/nikola && nikola build= to render website.
You need run =M-x org2nikola-rerender-published-posts= once when you switch computer to publish blog. ** Tag the post It's =org-mode= feature. Press =C-c C-c= or =M-x org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c=. ** Re-render all published posts Run =M-x org2nikola-rerender-published-posts=.
Please provide the directory containing org files if it's not set in =org2nikola-org-blog-directory=.
- Nikola setup Check my [[][]]. [[][Google Analytics]] and [[][hightlight.js (syntax highlight JS library)]] is used.
If you are a newbie of Nikola or you need import post from wordpress, check [[][this guide]].
You may =(setq org2nikola-use-verbose-metadata t)= because more verbose meta data format is suggested by nikola 7.7+.
- Tips
** Customize html output
You can use =org2nikola-process-output-html-function= to customize the html,
#+begin_src elisp
(defun my-customize-post-content (html title post-slug)
(ignore title post-slug)
(setq org2nikola-process-output-html-function 'my-customize-post-content)
You can always upload HTML files manually to the web server. Org2nikola provides =org2nikola-after-hook= for automation.
*** GitHub Pages
Here is the sample setup:
#+begin_src elisp
(defun org2nikola-after-hook-setup (title slug)
"see for setup
ln -s ~/projs/ ~/.config/nikola/output
, btw" (let* ((url (concat "" slug ".html")) (nikola-dir (file-truename "~/.config/nikola")) (cmd "cd ~/projs/ && git add . && git commit -m updated && git push origin master")) ;; copy the blog url into kill-ring (kill-new url) (message "%s => kill-ring" url) ;; nikola is building posts ... (shell-command (format "cd %s; nikola build" nikola-dir)) (shell-command cmd)))
(add-hook 'org2nikola-after-hook 'org2nikola-after-hook-setup) #+end_src
Please note my user name at github is "redguardtoo" and my blog domain is "". You need replace them with your own stuff. *** FTP Here is the setup: #+begin_src elisp (defun org2nikola-after-hook-setup (title slug) (let* ((url (concat "" slug ".html")) (nikola-dir (file-truename "~/.config/nikola")) (lines (split-string (shell-command-to-string (format "cd %s; nikola build" nikola-dir)) "\n"))) (kill-new url) (message "%s => kill-ring" url) (dolist (l lines) (when (string-match "output\(./\)\([^/]\)$" l) (let ((dir (match-string 1 l)) (file (match-string 2 l)) (cmd (format "ncftpput -b -u %s -p %s /blog%s %s/output%s%s" "yourusername" "yourpassword" dir nikola-dir dir file))) (shell-command cmd))))))
(add-hook 'org2nikola-after-hook 'org2nikola-after-hook-setup) #+end_src
You need install [[][ncftp]] which is the FTP client. See [[][How a programmer publish static HTML blog in Emacs]] for details.
- Credits
- [[][Puneeth Chaganti (AKA punchagan]]) I borrow many ideas from his project [[][org2blog]].
Bug report [[]]
License This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see [[]].