emacs.d copied to clipboard
can't export chinese content to pdf when in org mode
when i use this emacs.d, edit org file content with chinese charactor. then use c-c c-e p to export to pdf, when finish export. it can't display chinese charactor in pdf document.
if the org file content only contains english charactor, when export to pdf, the pdf content is ok.
i have try the follow method: http://freizl.github.io/posts/2012-04-06-export-orgmode-file-in-Chinese.html
but it is not work.
See #24 , there is discussion, but I can't test by myself.
你可以试试 latex ctex 包
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{ctex}
- The 2nd options in the blog shall still work. You may need to choose different main font depending on your OS.
- @smallst solution also works (in additions to change org latex pdf process). I like this approach better cause it doesn't require explicit font config.
The link has been updated to https://freizl.github.io/posts/export-orgmode-file-in-chinese/
你可以试试 latex ctex 包
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{ctex}
it works. thanks a lot.