maven-soapui-extension-plugin copied to clipboard
launch specific testCase from multiple TestSuite trough multipe project ?
i would like to know if you can consider what i am gonna ask as a possible feature because i am looking for it but i can't find it.
what i suggest is, as it wrote in the title, the possibility to be able to choose from different project, an among of testSuite and inside of them be able to choose some TestCase to execute, because actually my problem is each time the different testSuite were fully executed. i have a lot of project, TestSuite and testCase almost over 1000. then when i create a test campaign i want to be able to choose specifically what i need and don't lost time to re-execute all the testCase in on testSuite.
to give you an example about what i mean :
if i have a list of testCase (example testCase_A, testCase_B, testCase_C) i want to be able to launch juste some of them (example testCase_A, testCase_C) not all and be able to agregate all of the result!
i don't know if i am clear :/
anyway what do think about that ? if you think it's possible to do and want to add to the feature I'd be happy to help you :)
Hi, do you need this feature for the test
and/or the test-multi
See also #41.
in my case it's more for test-multi.
a part of my soft should be able to let people to chose what they want to test trough different soapUI project. they could pick up testCases from testsuite or TestSuite only from different SoapUI xml porject and i want to build one pom.xml for all this selection after the maven-plugin should be able to execute only what people selected and put the result of the test in one file.xml. does it seems possible ? does it take a long time to develop it ? i am mean if i am base on the last version of your plugin !
i read #41 there some common feature yeah
and i would like to know if the aggregation of the result in a xml file it's possible to do it ?
@cgrente I am not sure to understand all your questions.
About implementing in the plugin selection of testsuites/testcases to be runned, this should be ok for the OSS runner (for the PRO, as it is closed source, I currently can not make it). I will try to create the related issue in the next days. I do not plan to perform junit report aggregation between projects as I previously stated in #41 (see the issue for more explanation)
From your side, the main part is to generate the pom.xml based on what the user has selected, so this should not be an issue