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Steam Achievements
Since we're moving to Steam as a distribution platform, we now have access to its platformwide achievements system. It is therefore probably beneficial for player retention to offer achievements through Steam.
This issue is for posting suggestions or concepts for possible achievements to be added. Things to keep in mind:
It's probably good not to have too many grinding achievements, eg. "kill 3000 bots" or "deal 100000 damage" because they are boring and lame.
Achievements should be reasonably easy to check completion of (e.g. an achievement for dealing 2000 damage in one 10 minute round); achievements which rely on metrics that weren't tracked by the statsdb may be difficult to implement.
Achievements should be of varying skill levels, such that beginning players can pick up an achievement or two pretty quickly, while making other challenges difficult even for the more experienced players among us.
Achievements will require icons to represent them. If there are any ideas for particular achievement icons, they can be posted here to be evaluated or collaborated on.
There was this talk some years ago. Could be useful for ideas.
Imo we should have "beat the time records of all official time-trial(yeah i still call them time-trial, fite me) maps." as achievements or even medal systems for this specific case.
- 100 HS
- Win 100 matches
- Capture 100 flags
- Fall 100 times down
- Koop-edit a map
- Kill a founder
- Blow 100 times someone up
- Efficient: <100dpf, minimum 2000 damage, hard/insta excluded, in a single 10m game
- Sadist: >300dpf, minimum 2000 damage, in a single 10m game
- Knife at a Gun Fight: Finish instagib game with >20 kills, none of which are done by rifle or grenade
- Persistent: Die 100 times while trying to finish a race map
- Sticky Situation: Kill yourself with your own sticky grenade
- Mine Your Step: Kill yourself with your own mine
- It Was Worth a Shot: Shoot the rocket 3+ times in a 10m match, but fail to kill anyone
- Off the Grid: Open a non-official map Documentation link.
The barrier here is needing icons, not creating the achievements themselves. Maybe we should come up with a short list (like ~20 or so) as a starting point then get the icons made for them?
From the Steam Partner page for the achievements:
Achievement icons should be 64x64 px JPG images. We recommend that achieved icons be colorful; unachieved icons should be grayscale.
Since achievements can appear in various places throughout the Steam Community, the names and icons you enter must be appropriate for all ages and audiences. Valve may remove games from the store entirely if their achievements violate community content guidelines or are otherwise offensive.
Should the "colorful" icons, be really colorful or in the normal grey, silver re style?
I guess colorful icons could be slightly tinted with Red Eclipse's accent color (i.e. red), while keeping the gradient and shadow effects.
Either that, or make the "colourful" ones gray and just darken the "unachieved" ones.
Here's a bunch of ideas
Achievement | Description |
Pistol Whipped | Pistol Whip an opponent |
Razor sharp | Kill an opponent with the claw |
argh! | Kill yourself with your own grenade |
There is no escape | Kill a player with a sticky grenade |
Oh baby, a triple! | Get a triple kill |
First Blood | Get the first kill |
Get out of my way | Kill another player whilst sliding |
Spree breaker | Break another players killing spree |
Pyromedic | Save a teammate who is on fire |
Collateral Damage | Kill two players with one rifle shot |
Pzap! | Kill 100 players with the rifle |
Great balls of plasma | Kill 100 players with the plasma |
Spray 'n pray | Kill 100 players with the smg |
Burn baby burn | Kill 100 players with the flamer |
Medieval | Kill 100 players with the sword |
Up close and personal | Kill 100 players with the shotgun |
High voltage | Kill 100 players with the zapper |
Bullet to the head | Get a headshot with the smg or shotgun |
What's a loadout? | Kill 100 players with the pistol |
Quick shave | Kill a bearded player with the sword |
Thief | Capture the enemy flag |
The Boss | Win a ffa deathmatch |
Clean sheet | Win a bomber ball match without conceeding any goals |
All your base | Win a defend and control match |
Freestyler | Perform 6 consecutive parkour moves |
Carnage! | Get a Carnage streak |
Bloodbath! | Get a Bloodbath streak |
Slaughter! | Get a Slaughter streak |
Massacre! | Get a Massacre streak |
Multi Kill | Get a Multi Kill |
Don't mine me | Stick a mine to another player |
Death from above | Kill a player whilst in mid-air |
I'm alive! | Be the last player to survive during a round |
Achievement | Description |
Something New | Koop-edit a map |
The Beginning | Kill a founder |
Disco | Find the easter egg in the main menu. |
All your base | Win a defend and control match
This could be made more special by requiring your team to own all bases at the moment you win :wink:
Death from above | Kill a player whilst in mid-air
This one sounds very easy to get… Maybe we could require the player to be airborne for more than 1.5 seconds before the kill is done? This way, it would usually require using a jumppad or parkouring.
Achievement | Description |
Why won't you die? | Play two DM games in a row without dying once |
Stop Picking on Me | Be dominated by someone else |
Relentless | Dominate someone else |