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Icons for entities in editing
At the moment you have small purple light circles for checkpoints, lights ... (all newents ...). I see octaforge and there the light have "big" icons with a lamp. It would be nice if RE can get something like this too. So all is better to see and to find. (extra: Option to switch btw icons and purple lights)
i seem to remember reading somewhere the purple dot was chosen because of it's non-obtrusiveness, yet it still stands out enough that you can find what you're looking for. then there's always the findent command of course. so what, specifically, are you suggesting be used instead of the purple dot? give an example
Like i write above an icon with an grey/white bulb for light like in octaforge or an an abstract fire for fire particle. And beacause of the the non obtrusiveness i want an option to switch, and the icons because i dont want every time searching, its faster without. Here you can see the light icon:
If you want i can try to make icons for all of them.
That would be pretty cool actually. As long as you keep the icons small (maybe with an option to toggle between them and the purple dots as suggested), and maybe even a bit transparent they should remain unobtrusive while still being easier to spot, on top of being able to identify various entities at a glance.
all right, we'll probably need to see some high quality example icons to see if it could work
For future reference, suggestions like this should go through the forums first. @IceflowRE is flooding the issue tracker without discussing with the community first. The issue tracker is for confirmed/approved items only. It is not a free for all suggestion box. We need to be able to review issues without all the clutter.
Urgh yeah my fault, but only the last two issues. I will correct it.
raises hand I can make some vector icons.
@acerspyro Iceflower has already been working on this, so you will want to coordinate with them.
Some of icy's work is here:
~~Better look here because here is a little bit more (Google Drive):
false button D:
I'll write the code for this when I next get a chance.
Much sorry for this bump, this is already closed but I have an idea for light icons, maybe good idea is to make them dynamically coloured, so these might reflect actual light color (for example: green light= green icon) ?
Hi, Dziq84 this topic is NOT closed and dynamical colouring should be possible ingame.