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Facilitating learning, using, and designing graph processing pipelines/models systematically.
PyTorch version of GraphZoo.
Facilitating learning, using, and designing graph processing pipelines/models systematically.
We present a novel framework GraphZoo, that makes learning, using, and designing graph processing pipelines/models systematic by abstraction over the redundant components. The framework contains a powerful library that supports several hyperbolic manifolds and an easy-to-use modular framework to perform graph processing tasks which aids researchers in different components, namely, (i) reproduce evaluation pipelines of state-of-the-art approaches, (ii) design new hyperbolic or Euclidean graph networks and compare them against the state-of-the art approaches on standard benchmarks, (iii) add custom datasets for evaluation, (iv) add new tasks and evaluation criteria.
Using Github source:
git clone
cd GraphZoo
python install
Using Pypi (under development, install from source):
pip install graphzoo
Getting Started in 60 Seconds
To train a Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Networks model for node classification task on Cora dataset, make use of GraphZoo APIs customized loss functions and evaluation metrics for this task.
Prepare input data:
import graphzoo as gz
import torch
from graphzoo.config import parser
params = parser.parse_args(args=[])
data = gz.dataloader.DataLoader(params)
Initialize the model and fine-tune the hyperparameters:
model= gz.models.NCModel(params)
is used to control the training flow:
optimizer = gz.optimizers.RiemannianAdam(params=model.parameters(),, weight_decay=params.weight_decay)
Getting Started Using Command Line
To train a Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Networks model for node classification task on Cora dataset using command line:
cd GraphZoo
python graphzoo/trainers/ --task nc --dataset cora --datapath <your datapath> --model HGCN --lr 0.01 --dim 16 --num-layers 2 --act relu --bias 1 --dropout 0.5 --weight-decay 0.001 --manifold PoincareBall --log-freq 5 --cuda 0 --c None
Customizing Input Arguments
Various flags can be modified in the graphzoo.config
module by the user.
GraphZoo Dataloader
Input Parameters
'dataset': ('cora', 'which dataset to use, can be any of [cora, pubmed, airport, disease_nc, disease_lp] (type: str)')
'datapath': (None, 'path to raw data (type: str)')
'val-prop': (0.05, 'proportion of validation edges for link prediction (type:float)')
'test-prop': (0.1, 'proportion of test edges for link prediction (type: float)')
'use-feats': (1, 'whether to use node features (1) or not (0 in case of Shallow methods) (type: int)')
'normalize-feats': (1, 'whether to normalize input node features (1) or not (0) (type: int)')
'normalize-adj': (1, 'whether to row-normalize the adjacency matrix (1) or not(0) (type: int)')
'split-seed': (1234, 'seed for data splits (train/test/val) (type: int)')
API Input Parameters
args: list of above defined input parameters from `graphzoo.config`
Base model for graph embedding tasks
Input Parameters
'task': ('nc', 'which tasks to train on, can be any of [lp, nc] (type: str)')
'model': ('HGCN', 'which encoder to use, can be any of [Shallow, MLP, HNN, GCN, GAT, HGCN,HGAT] (type: str)')
'dim': (128, 'embedding dimension (type: int)')
'manifold': ('PoincareBall', 'which manifold to use, can be any of [Euclidean, Hyperboloid, PoincareBall] (type: str)')
'c': (1.0, 'hyperbolic radius, set to None for trainable curvature (type: float)')
'r': (2.0, 'fermi-dirac decoder parameter for lp (type: float)')
't': (1.0, 'fermi-dirac decoder parameter for lp (type: float)')
'pretrained-embeddings': (None, 'path to pretrained embeddings (.npy file) for Shallow node classification (type: str)')
'num-layers': (2, 'number of hidden layers in encoder (type: int)')
'bias': (1, 'whether to use bias (1) or not (0) (type: int)')
'act': ('relu', 'which activation function to use or None for no activation (type: str)')
'n-heads': (4, 'number of attention heads for graph attention networks, must be a divisor dim (type: int)')
'alpha': (0.2, 'alpha for leakyrelu in graph attention networks (type: float)')
'use-att': (0, 'whether to use hyperbolic attention (1) or not (0) (type: int)')
'local-agg': (0, 'whether to local tangent space aggregation (1) or not (0) (type: int)')
'n_classes': (7, 'number of classes in the dataset (type: int)')
'n_nodes': (2708, 'number of nodes in the graph (type: int)')
'feat_dim': (1433, 'feature dimension of the dataset (type: int)')
API Input Parameters
args: list of above defined input parameters from `graphzoo.config`
GraphZoo Trainer
Input Parameters
'lr': (0.01, 'initial learning rate (type: float)')
'dropout': (0.5, 'dropout probability (type: float)')
'cuda': (-1, 'which cuda device to use or -1 for cpu training (type: int)')
'device': ('cpu', 'which device to use cuda:$devicenumber for GPU or cpu for CPU (type: str)')
'repeat': (10, 'number of times to repeat the experiment (type: int)')
'optimizer': ('Adam', 'which optimizer to use, can be any of [Adam, RiemannianAdam, RiemannianSGD] (type: str)')
'epochs': (5000, 'maximum number of epochs to train for (type:int)')
'weight-decay': (0.001, 'l2 regularization strength (type: float)')
'momentum': (0.999, 'momentum in optimizer (type: float)')
'patience': (100, 'patience for early stopping (type: int)')
'seed': (1234, 'seed for training (type: int)')
'log-freq': (5, 'how often to compute print train/val metrics in epochs (type: int)')
'eval-freq': (1, 'how often to compute val metrics in epochs (type: int)')
'save': (0, '1 to save model and logs and 0 otherwise (type: int)')
'save-dir': (None, 'path to save training logs and model weights (type: str)')
'lr-reduce-freq': (None, 'reduce lr every lr-reduce-freq or None to keep lr constant (type: int)')
'gamma': (0.5, 'gamma for lr scheduler (type: float)')
'grad-clip': (None, 'max norm for gradient clipping, or None for no gradient clipping (type: float)')
'min-epochs': (100, 'do not early stop before min-epochs (type: int)')
'betas': ((0.9, 0.999), 'coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (type: Tuple[float, float])')
'eps': (1e-8, 'term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (type: float)')
'amsgrad': (False, 'whether to use the AMSGrad variant of this algorithm from the paper `On the Convergence of Adam and Beyond` (type: bool)')
'stabilize': (None, 'stabilize parameters if they are off-manifold due to numerical reasons every ``stabilize`` steps (type: int)')
'dampening': (0,'dampening for momentum (type: float)')
'nesterov': (False,'enables Nesterov momentum (type: bool)')
API Input Parameters
args: list of above defined input parameters from `graphzoo.config`
optimizer: a :class:`optim.Optimizer` instance
model: a :class:`BaseModel` instance
Customizing the Framework
Adding Custom Dataset
- Add the dataset files in the
folder of the source code. - To run this code on new datasets, please add corresponding data processing and loading in
functions indataloader/
in the source code.
Output format for node classification dataloader is:
data = {'adj_train': adj, 'features': features, 'labels': labels, 'idx_train': idx_train, 'idx_val': idx_val, 'idx_test': idx_test}
Output format for link prediction dataloader is:
data = {'adj_train': adj_train, 'features': features, ‘train_edges’: train_edges, ‘train_edges_false’: train_edges_false, ‘val_edges’: val_edges, ‘val_edges_false’: val_edges_false, ‘test_edges’: test_edges, ‘test_edges_false’: test_edges_false, 'adj_train_norm':adj_train_norm}
Adding Custom Layers
- Attention layers can be added in
in the source code by adding a class in the file. - Hyperbolic layers can be added in
in the source code by adding a class in the file. - Other layers like a single GCN layer can be added in
in the source code by adding a class in the file.
Adding Custom Models
- After adding custom layers, custom models can be added in
in the source code by adding a class in the file. - After adding custom layers, custom decoders to calculate the final output can be added in
in the source code by adding a class in the file. Default decoder is theLinearDecoder
The included datasets are the following and they need to be downloaded from the link:
- Cora
- Pubmed
- Disease
- Airport
Shallow Methods
- Shallow Euclidean
- Shallow Hyperbolic
Neural Network Methods
- Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
- Hyperbolic Neural Networks (HNN)
Graph Neural Network Methods
- Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (GCN)
- Graph Attention Networks (GAT)
- Hyperbolic Graph Convolutions (HGCN)
- Hyperbolic Graph Attention Networks (HGAT)
Package References
Tutorials (jupyter notebooks under development)
Documentation (under develpoment)
Code References
Some of the code was forked from the following repositories.
Model References
If you use GraphZooZoo in your research, please use the following BibTex entry.
author = {Vyas, Anoushka and Choudhary, Nurendra and Khatir, Mehrdad and Reddy, Chandan K.},
title = {GraphZoo: A Development Toolkit for Graph Neural Networks with Hyperbolic Geometries},
year = {2022},
isbn = {9781450391306},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3487553.3524241},
booktitle = {Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022},
keywords = {graph learning, graph neural network, hyperbolic models, software},
location = {Lyon, France},
series = {WWW '22}
Copyright (c) 2022 Dr. Reddy's lab, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech