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Results 51 mqtt_cpp issues
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I get this weierd propblem with boost: CMake Error at C:/.../cmake-3.22/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message): Could NOT find Boost (missing: system date_time log filesystem thread program_options) (found suitable version "1.74.0", minimum required is...

by building using CMake I has problema as follows. error: ‘any_io_executor’ ‘class mqtt::socket’} has no member named ‘get_executor’ etc. (see below) Could you please help me? Thanks ###################### [ 0%]...

Hello! Compiling the simple subscriber example integrated into my application consumes additional 4GB+ RAM when compiling with gcc version 8.3.0. I could also find #522 about that. But simply reducing...

as document said "It requires C++14 and the Boost Libraries 1.67.0 or later.", but when comiple in VS (with boost1.68+cpp14), I get serveal errors. boost_1_68_0\boost\variant\detail\make_variant_list.hpp(40): error C2977: “boost::mpl::list”: boost_1_68_0\boost\variant\detail\make_variant_list.hpp(40): error...

Hi, I've been happily using this library with mosquitto 2.0.11 for a few months. I've recently attempted to update to mosquitto 2.0.12 & 2.0.13 and run into a connection problem....

Question: Does the library have support for HTTP proxies with authentication using the `mqtt_tls_client_ws()` API? For example, the Paho Mqtt library supports HTTP proxies with authentication:

I was able to leverage [a fork that I'll try to get merged]( of [this repository]( (with minimal changes), to support the use of [gnutls]( instead of OpenSSL with the...

There are many protocol errors in MQTT spec. mqtt_cpp doesn't check them enough. Some of check requires extra cost. For example, some of properties cannot appear in some MQTT control... > It is a Protocol Error for a PUBLISH packet to contain any Subscription Identifier other than those received in SUBSCRIBE packet which caused it to flow. A PUBLISH...