mqtt_cpp copied to clipboard
Library name difference between conan hosted package and provided by CMake
Hello, I'm using mqtt_cpp in my project. While developing I've been using it through conan package which is here:
but when I deliver the whole product to my target I build it using Yocto ecosystem. In Yocto I've defined a recipe that downloads sources, compiles it, and puts in the rootfs and that's fine.
The problem is that when you look at "Use it" section on it says, that in order to use this package you have to use: find_package(mqtt_cpp) and then link to mqtt_cpp::mqtt_cpp
but when you look at the "Usage in cmake project" section on github it says that you should use: find_package(mqtt_cpp_iface REQUIRED) and link to mqtt_cpp_iface::mqtt_cpp_iface
Do you see the difference in names?
This creates confusion and because of this, depending on which suggestion I use, it makes the other target unable to build. Why is there such confusion?
Thank you for reporting the issue. I don't know much about Yocto and conan. Maybe some of them need to fix. If mqtt_cpp needs to something fix, please post a PR to fix it. I would review it.
Thank you for reporting the issue. I don't know much about Yocto and conan. Maybe some of them need to fix. If mqtt_cpp needs to something fix, please post a PR to fix it. I would review it.
Hi, i couldn't find your email, so leaving this here! i am doing my final project currently, so i am curious whether you could share the iphone presentation on BoostCon that you did! Would be great if you could! Of course, i've checked the examples in the library