Screenshot drops is under More Options -> Battle
Can't reproduce with Bella Lisa and you're the first person to report something like this.
Do you see any difference when you recreate Bella Lisa with the Support Image Maker?
I remembered something I discovered a long time ago related to grayscale, which I just fixed. Screenshots aren't converted to grayscale correctly when using MediaProjection. But that shouldn't matter for...
@killedbydagger Sounds like a different issue, that part of the CE is detected as MLB star. I would just activate the MLB filter in FGO to work around that.
Maybe it's because of battery optimization? Did you change any FGA default settings?
Everything in your last comment indicates battery optimization or changed Android settings. You can try reinstalling FGA and see if that helps.
I'm all out of ideas.
JP combines multiple support lists. So the Caster list may contain Skadi, Waver and Merlin from one user. This in turn makes the scroll bar slider tiny, so detecting it...
You didn't fully upload the video before posting. But it probably won't help anyways. I'm thinking of 2 possibilities: 1. Battery optimization 2. "Gaming mode" or however it's called for...