We will soon release a version that supports Thai characters. Epson TM series (South Asia model) and Star MC series (StarPRNT model) can print with device font of Thai characters.
Thank you very much for using receiptline. I have seen your screenshot. It's great. And I think you have the right idea. Actually, our consortium's subcommittee has just started discussing...
The first idea was to extend receiptline to support templates. However, this did not work. The reason was that it was difficult to implement data selectors, multi-line grouping, and template...
Thank you for your feedback. The command object interface was closed and experimental, but now it is stable. We will consider extending the command object by users.
Hello! We have just released receiptline V1.7.0. Printer implementations are now public. `receiptline.commands.*` You can now override/extend printer implementations. Please see `receiptline/example/command/custom.js`. Thank you.
Thanks guys! We have to support TypeScript typings.
Hello! You can run receiptline server-side to generate the commands, then download this commands on your tablet device and send it to your printer. Alternatively, you can use a printer...
You can use any method to send the commands generated by receiptline to the printer. To send the commands using the SDK, you may need to remove the initialization at...
Hello! Does your printer have a Chinese font? Please hold down the FEED button and turn on the printer. The printer's information will be printed. Thank you!
Hello! Thank you for using receiptline. Please try the following. - Set command to match the memory switch setting of mC-Print3 ```js // command: 'starmbcs' command: 'starsbcs' ``` - Change...