stylelint-config-idiomatic-order copied to clipboard
CSS Logical Properties and Values
Is there a way to support the ordering of the CSS Logical Properties? At the moment is seems that properties like padding-inline
are placed at the bottom instead of ordered with the other box-model properties?
Second this, it is a much-needed addition.
There is an open PR from branch
This would be wonderful, as it is the linter forces a pretty frustrating non-intuitve ordering.
For example, what I want:
.my-rule {
display: flex;
inline-size: 12px;
block-size: 24px;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
background-color: $background;
/* stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-property-value-disallowed-list */
border-radius: unset;
box-shadow: none;
transform: translate(-100%, -50%);
transition: none;
What it forces me into:
.my-rule {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
background-color: $background;
block-size: 24px;
/* stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-property-value-disallowed-list */
border-radius: unset;
box-shadow: none;
inline-size: 12px;
transform: translate(-100%, -50%);
transition: none;
In terms of idomatic CSS, CSS logical properties that would be part of positioning / display and box model, are pushed into the "Other" alphabetical grouping.
Linking the open PR: