leetcode-api copied to clipboard
Leetcode API written with TypeScript, fully support async.
Leetcode API
Leetcode API written with TypeScript, fully support async.
Thanks for the excellent work for leetcode-cli project! ❤️
- npm:
npm i leetcode-api-ts
- yarn:
yarn add leetcode-api-ts
(async (): Promise<void> => {
// Login
const leetcode: Leetcode = await Leetcode.build(
"your username",
"yout password",
EndPoint.US // or EndPoint.CN
// Get a special problem
const problem: Problem = new Problem("two-sum");
// Fetch more properties of this problem
await problem.detail();
// Show problem content, test case, code snippet etc
const content: string = problem.content;
const testcase: string = problem.simpleTestCase;
const codeSnippets: Array<any> = problem.codeSnippets;
// submit your answer
problem.submit("your code language", "your code here");
// Get All problems' base infomation
const problems: Array<Problem> = await leetcode.getAllProblems();
// Filter problems by status, difficulty, etc
const acceptedProblems: Array<Problem> = problems.filter((p: Problem) => {
return p.status === ProblemStatus.Accept;
acceptedProblems.forEach(async (problem: Problem) => {
// Get all submissions
const submissions: Array<Submission> = await problem.getSubmissions();
// Filter submission which lang = cpp
const cppSubmissions: Array<Submission> = submissions.filter((s: Submission) => {
return s.lang === "cpp";
submissions.forEach((submission: Submission) => {
// Get submission's status
const code: string = await submission.detail();
// Then you can handle them casually
I especially recommend you fetch base properties first because of the large number of problems. Then call Problem.detail()
or Submission.detail()
fetch all properties of them.
- [X] ~~Support Leetcode CN.~~ [2019-08-24]
- [ ] Fetch more user profile.
- [ ] Fully parse submission status type.
- [ ] Support problems filter by categories.
- [ ] Support problems filter by companies.
mv .env.example .env
- Update your leetcode account in
yarn test
- start:
yarn start
- build:
yarn build
- lint:
yarn lint