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Fast object or data serialize and deserialize library
Opack is a Java library that can serialize/deserialize between Java objects and common objects(OpackValue). Also, common objects can be encoded or decoded as JSON or Bytes(Dense).
We faster then GSON and Kryo. (See tests)
Click to see performance result
# GsonPerformanceTest
Gson : 7094ms
Opack : 2613ms
# KryoPerformanceTest
Kryo : 7227ms
Opack : 2304ms
# JacksonPerformanceTest
Jackson: 6412ms
Opack : 6404ms
Simple flow
dependencies {
implementation 'com.realtimetech:opack:0.0.13'
1. Serialize
public class Usage {
public static void main(String[] arguments) {
Opacker opacker = new Opacker.Builder().create();
SomeObject someObject = new SomeObject();
OpackValue opackValue = opacker.serialize(someObject);
2. Deserialize
public class Usage {
public static void main(String[] arguments) {
Opacker opacker = new Opacker.Builder()
.setContextStackInitialSize(128) // (Optional) Creation size of stack for processing
.setValueStackInitialSize(512) // (Optional) Creation size of stack for processing
.setEnableWrapListElementType(false) // (Optional) When converting elements of a list, record the type as well
.setEnableWrapMapElementType(false) // (Optional) When converting elements of a map, record the type as well
.setEnableConvertEnumToOrdinal(false) // (Optional) Convert enum to ordinal or name
.setEnableConvertRecursiveDependencyToNull(false) // (Optional) Convert recursive depandency, record null
OpackValue serializedSomeObject = null;
SomeObject someObject = opacker.deserialize(SomeObject.class, serializedSomeObject);
3. Json Codec
public class Usage {
public static void main(String[] arguments) {
JsonCodec jsonCodec = new JsonCodec.Builder()
.setEncodeStackInitialSize(128) // (Optional) Creation size of stack for processing
.setEncodeStringBufferSize(1024) // (Optional) Creation size of stack for processing
.setDecodeStackInitialSize(128) // (Optional) Creation size of stack for processing
.setAllowOpackValueToKeyValue(false) // (Optional) Accepts Object or Array as Key of Json Object
.setEnableConvertCharacterToString(false) // (Optional) Convert character to string instead of character int value
.setUsePrettyFormat(false) // (Optional) When encoding, it prints formatted
OpackValue opackValue;
// Encode Basic
String json = jsonCodec.encode(opackValue);
// Encode with Java IO Writer
Writer writer;
jsonCodec.encode(writer, opackValue);
// Decode Basic
OpackValue decodedOpackValue = jsonCodec.decode(json);
4. Dense Codec
public class Usage {
public static void main(String[] arguments) {
DenseCodec denseCodec = new DenseCodec.Builder()
.setEncodeStackInitialSize(128) // (Optional) Creation size of stack for processing
.setDecodeStackInitialSize(128) // (Optional) Creation size of stack for processing
.setIgnoreVersionCompare(false) // (Optional) Ignore compare dense codec version in data
OpackValue opackValue;
// Encode Basic
byte[] bytes = denseCodec.encode(opackValue);
// Encode with Java IO OutputStream
OutputStream outputStream;
denseCodec.encode(OutputStreamWriter.of(outputStream), opackValue);
// Encode with ByteArrayWriter
ByteArrayWriter byteArrayWriter = new ByteArrayWriter();
denseCodec.encode(byteArrayWriter, opackValue);
byte[] bytes = byteArrayWriter.toByteArray();
// Decode Basic
OpackValue decodedOpackValue = denseCodec.decode(bytes);
// Decode with Java IO InputStream
InputStream inputStream;
OpackValue decodedOpackValue = denseCodec.decode(InputStreamReader.of(inputStream));
// Decode with ByteArrayReader
ByteArrayReader byteArrayReader = new ByteArrayReader(bytes);
OpackValue decodedOpackValue = denseCodec.decode(byteArrayReader);
Advanced Usage
1. Ignore and Type and Name
public class SomeObject {
private String stringField;
private byte[] bytesField;
// This field will not serialize/deserialize
private String verySecretField;
// This field will serialize/deserialize to explicit type `ArrayList` instead of ambiguous field type `List`
private List<String> listField;
// This field will serialize/deserialize to `newFieldName` name instead of actual field name `oldFieldName`
private String oldFieldName;
2. Field Transformer
public class ByteToBase64Transformer implements Transformer {
public Object serialize(Opacker opacker, Object value) throws SerializeException {
if (value instanceof byte[]) {
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString((byte[]) value);
return value;
public Object deserialize(Opacker opacker, Class<?> goalType, Object value) throws DeserializeException {
if (value instanceof String) {
return Base64.getDecoder().decode((String) value);
return value;
public class SomeObject {
// This field will serialize/deserialize to Base64
@Transform(transformer = ByteToBase64Transformer.class)
private byte[] bytesField;
3. Field With Type
public class SomeObject {
// This field will serialize with runtime type, and deserialize actual type instead of ambiguous field type `List`
private List<String> stringListField;
// This field will serialize with runtime type, and deserialize actual type instead of ambiguous field type `Object`
private Object[] objectArrayField;
4. Class Transformer
public class AnimalTransformer implements Transformer {
// Remove a `sound` from a serialized `Animal`
public Object serialize(Opacker opacker, Object value) throws SerializeException {
if (value instanceof Animal) {
Animal animal = (Animal) value;
OpackValue opackValue = opacker.serialize(animal);
if (opackValue instanceof OpackObject) {
OpackObject opackObject = (OpackObject) opackValue;
return opackObject;
return value;
// Restore `sound` from `Animal` before deserialization
public Object deserialize(Opacker opacker, Class<?> goalType, Object value) throws DeserializeException {
if (value instanceof OpackObject) {
if (Animal.class.isAssignableFrom(goalType)) {
OpackObject opackObject = (OpackObject) value;
Animal animal = (Animal) opacker.deserialize(goalType, opackObject);
return value;
// When `inheritable` is set to true, it applies to child classes.
@Transform(transformer = AnimalTransformer.class, inheritable = true)
abstract class Animal {
private String sound;
public abstract String bark();
public String getSound() {
return sound;
public void setSound(String sound) {
this.sound = sound;
public class Dog extends Animal {
public String bark() {
return "Bow-Wow";
public class SomeObject {
private Dog dogField;
5. Handling Opack Value
public class Usage {
public static void main(String[] arguments) {
OpackObject<String, OpackValue> rootObject = new OpackObject<>();
OpackArray<Integer> opackArray = new OpackArray<>();
rootObject.put("array", opackArray);
OpackArray<?> opackArray = OpackArray.createWithArrayObject(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6});
rootObject.put("unmodifiable(but, really fast) array", opackArray);
OpackObject<Object, Object> opackObject = new OpackObject<>();
opackObject.put("int", 1);
opackObject.put("float", 1.1f);
opackObject.put("long", Long.MAX_VALUE);
opackObject.put("double", 1.1d);
opackObject.put(1024, "2^10");
OpackArray.createWithArrayObject(new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}),
"a lot of bytes"
rootObject.put("number_map", opackObject);
OpackArray<Integer> opackArray = (OpackArray) rootObject.get("array");
OpackObject<Object, Object> opackObject = (OpackObject) rootObject.get("number_map");
System.out.println("1024 is " + (opackObject.get(1024)));
System.out.println("Array length is " + (opackArray.length()));
System.out.println("First element is " + (opackArray.get(0)));
- [ ] Separate field transformer and class transformer
- [ ] Add generic into transformer for type safety
- [ ] Add field pre/post transformer
- [ ] Remove
argument ofOpacker.prepareObjectDeserialize
- [ ] Remove
argument ofOpacker.prepareObjectDeserialize
Opack uses Apache License 2.0. Please, leave your feedback if you have any suggestions!
Jeonghwan, Park
[email protected]