realm-kotlin copied to clipboard
RealmKotlin.copyToRealm magnitures slower than RealmJava.insertOrUpdate
How frequently does the bug occur?
I have migrated from RealmJava 10.16.0 to RealmKotlin 1.16.0 and I have a piece of conversion code which creates RealmObjects from my model classes and then used insertOrUpdate to update the realm file. However, after migrating to RealmKotlin, I tried using copyToRealm with UpdatePolicy.ALL. And I also tried to sequentially query and update all the properties of the existing RealmObjects in my db with the values of my model files and in both cases, the time it takes to update all the objects (quite a lot) increased from ~2 seconds to about 20-40. This is a significant increase in execution time. The issue does not exist on RealmSwift either.
I am a bit helpless here at the moment, because I don't want to be stuck with RealmJava for too long anymore, but this issue is blocking a migration effectively.
Stacktrace & log output
No response
Can you reproduce the bug?
Reproduction Steps
Fetch all objects from the realm including nested/children, then deep-clone the objects and call a copyToRealm(data, UpdatePolicy.ALL) in a new write-block.
What Atlas App Services are you using?
Local Database only
Are you using encryption?
Platform OS and version(s)
Android any
Build environment
Android Studio version: 2023.3.1 Android Build Tools version: 34 Gradle version: 8.4