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Add support for react-native-macos
Hey! I'm trying to build a new app with react-native, more specifically I'm targeting all platforms, so I'm using react-native-macos, I know it is very new, but just creating a ticket to see if it is possible to bring support to the macOS platform, since it runs swift, I'm guessing it should be fairly easy to add support?
It turned out this was easier than expected. You'll have to modify the RealmJS.podspec
to add support for osx
platform and also
to remove code, that won't compile for MacOS.
Here's the complete patch file for the changes I've made:
RealmJS.podspec | 3 ++-
react-native/ios/RealmReact/ | 23 +----------------------
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/RealmJS.podspec b/RealmJS.podspec
index 7323dbf7..09aaa638 100644
--- a/RealmJS.podspec
+++ b/RealmJS.podspec
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ do |s|
s.authors = package['author']
s.homepage = package['homepage']
- s.platform = :ios, '9.0'
+ s.platforms = { :ios => "9.0", :osx => "10.14" }
# The source field is a required field in the podspec, but it is not ment to be used.
# This is because the Podspec is not ment to be published into a CocoaPod repository, instead React Native uses a :path style dependency when adding this to the users projects Podfile.
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ do |s|
# TODO: Consider providing an option to build with the -dbg binaries instead
s.ios.vendored_libraries = 'vendor/realm-ios/librealm-ios.a', 'vendor/realm-ios/librealm-parser-ios.a'
+ s.osx.vendored_libraries = 'vendor/realm-ios/librealm-macosx.a', 'vendor/realm-ios/librealm-parser-macosx.a'
# s.watchos.vendored_libraries = 'vendor/realm-ios/librealm-watchos.a', 'vendor/realm-ios/librealm-parser-watchos.a'
# s.tvos.vendored_libraries = 'vendor/realm-ios/librealm-tvos.a', 'vendor/realm-ios/librealm-parser-tvos.a'
diff --git a/react-native/ios/RealmReact/ b/react-native/ios/RealmReact/
index 9c1ce061..ede9a0dc 100644
--- a/react-native/ios/RealmReact/
+++ b/react-native/ios/RealmReact/
@@ -58,28 +58,7 @@ - (void *)runtime;
extern "C" JSGlobalContextRef RealmReactGetJSGlobalContextForExecutor(id executor, bool create) {
- Ivar contextIvar = class_getInstanceVariable([executor class], "_context");
- if (!contextIvar) {
- return NULL;
- }
- id rctJSContext = object_getIvar(executor, contextIvar);
- if (!rctJSContext && create) {
- Class RCTJavaScriptContext = NSClassFromString(@"RCTJavaScriptContext");
- if ([RCTJavaScriptContext instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(initWithJSContext:onThread:)]) {
- // for RN 0.28.0+
- rctJSContext = [[RCTJavaScriptContext alloc] initWithJSContext:[JSContext new] onThread:[NSThread currentThread]];
- }
- else {
- // for RN < 0.28.0
- assert([RCTJavaScriptContext instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(initWithJSContext:)]);
- rctJSContext = [[RCTJavaScriptContext alloc] initWithJSContext:[JSContext new]];
- }
- object_setIvar(executor, contextIvar, rctJSContext);
- }
- return [rctJSContext context].JSGlobalContextRef;
+ return NULL;
@interface RealmReact () <RCTBridgeModule>
function is needed only if running React Native <= 0.44
Now, I'd like to get some feedback from the developers of RealmJS, why this is not officially supported and if there's something that won't work. I've only done a very basic test to see that Realm can be opened and models can be inserted into the database.
Note: react-native-macos
requires Node 12, which is not supported by Realm. So make sure to first install Realm (using npm
or yarn
) with Realm-compatible Node version (I used 10.x) and then install MacOS support using Node 12.
Realm supports node12
@juhasuni Can I ask you to create a proper pull request?
@juhasuni - It would be really great if you create PR for the support react-native-macos?
As explained above, I have tried to change the RealmJS.podspec and manually. But, it throwing build errors.
Thanks in advance for the effort.
Worked for me with @juhasuni and node v14.3.0
Got an error for the js version string in a/node_modules/realm/react-native/ios/RealmReact/
And commented that, now it builds and starts (have not tested creating etc yet)
@RichardLindhout Did it work for you?
Yes, it works with getting/creating/inserting etc no issues so far
Sorry about that...