SwiftLint copied to clipboard
SPM plugin: Mac Catalyst build fails
New Issue Checklist
- [X] Updated SwiftLint to the latest version
- [X] I searched for existing GitHub issues
Describe the bug
My small lib PDefaults uses SwiftLint as a SPM plugin.
It won't build using XCode 14.3.1 with My Mac (Mac Catalyst)
run destination.
It's in fact SourceKitten that's failing.
Complete output
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:80:25: error: 'executableURL' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
process.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: command)
Foundation.Process:5:14: note: 'executableURL' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
open var executableURL: URL? { get set }
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:81:25: error: 'currentDirectoryURL' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
process.currentDirectoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: currentDirectory)
Foundation.Process:10:14: note: 'currentDirectoryURL' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
open var currentDirectoryURL: URL? { get set }
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:82:29: error: 'run()' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
try process.run()
Foundation.Process:16:15: note: 'run()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
open func run() throws
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:84:25: error: 'launchPath' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
process.launchPath = command
Foundation.Process:4:14: note: 'launchPath' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
open var launchPath: String? { get set }
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:85:25: error: 'currentDirectoryPath' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
process.currentDirectoryPath = currentDirectory
Foundation.Process:7:14: note: 'currentDirectoryPath' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
open var currentDirectoryPath: String { get set }
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:86:17: error: ambiguous use of 'launch()'
Foundation.Process:20:15: note: found this candidate
open func launch() throws
Foundation.Process:10:15: note: found this candidate
open func launch()
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:80:25: 'executableURL' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:81:25: 'currentDirectoryURL' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:82:29: 'run()' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:84:25: 'launchPath' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:85:25: 'currentDirectoryPath' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
/Users/pierremardon/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PDefaults-djcfgicqqjpoyxfbpddekwbrdfka/SourcePackages/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Exec.swift:86:17: Ambiguous use of 'launch()'
caused by this snippet, the compiler considering canImport(Darwin)
is true
#if canImport(Darwin)
if #available(macOS 10.13, *) {
process.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: command)
process.currentDirectoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: currentDirectory)
try process.run()
} else {
process.launchPath = command
process.currentDirectoryPath = currentDirectory
process.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: command)
process.currentDirectoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: currentDirectory)
try process.run()
- SwiftLint version (run
swiftlint version
to be sure)?0.52.3
- Installation method used (Homebrew, CocoaPods, building from source, etc)? SPM plugin
- Paste your configuration file: not relevant
- Are you using nested configurations? not relevant
- Which Xcode version are you using (check
xcodebuild -version
- Do you have a sample that shows the issue?
- Create a dummy package with SwiftLint used as a plugin like this:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "PDefaults",
platforms: [
products: [
name: "PDefaults",
targets: ["PDefaults"]
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint", exact: "0.52.3")
targets: [
name: "PDefaults",
dependencies: [],
plugins: [.plugin(name: "SwiftLintPlugin", package: "SwiftLint")]
- try to build it for Mac Catalyst with XCode 14.3.1
I have the same issue and have opened the following pull request (https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten/pull/801) to get SourceKitten fixed.
@PierreMardon If you're still fighting this error, I forked SwiftLint to pull in my SourceKitten fix. It seems to work great!
Repo here: https://github.com/chotchki/SwiftLint
It's not relevant for my use case anymore, but thanks for the update 😉
Hello, we have a Swift package that supports Mac Catalyst and we are running into the same issue when adding SwiftLint as a build plugin.
@PierreMardon If you're still fighting this error, I forked SwiftLint to pull in my SourceKitten fix. It seems to work great!
Any idea when that PR will get merged and when SwiftLint will pick up that change?
@zkline101 SourceKitten hasn't had a release since 2023 and hasn't merged commits in the last 2months. I'm not sure when this fix will get merged. For my projects I've just been using my forked version as an easy solution interim fix.
I just rebased my fix onto the latest Swiftlint, hope it helps!