SwiftCov copied to clipboard
Failed to generate test code coverage files.
What was the activity?
- Executed the swiftcov Command from command line, it's executed successfully and provide following logs:.
Generate test code coverage files
Loading build settings...
Generating code coverage...
Test Suite 'Selected tests' started at 2015-08-19 08:07:04 +0000
Test Suite 'sample-iosTests.xctest' started at 2015-08-19 08:07:04 +0000
Created 'CodeCoverage/CombinedChartRenderer.swift.gcov'
Coverage files successfully generated to 'CodeCoverage'
- But For the Continuos Intergration, Created this project in jenkins and Execute the swiftcov command from jenkins, I faced this problem and I noticed from the log:
+/usr/local/bin/swiftcov generate --output CodeCoverage xcodebuild test -workspace Example/sample-ios.xcworkspace -scheme sample -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Release
Collecting coverage data...
Generating gcov files...
Created 'CodeCoverage/CombinedChartRenderer.swift.gcov'
Coverage files successfully generated to 'CodeCoverage'
Failed to generate test code coverage files.
Generate test code coverage files
- I noticed from the second part of the log, It doesn't test the build. and directly started to create coverage files
Hi, I'm facing the same issue. Any news about it?