stereopi-kicad-schematic copied to clipboard
Put conductor requirements on the schematics
САМ – interface. Signals САМ0_D0, CAM0_D0, CAM0_C and CAM1_D0, CAM1_D0, CAM1_C has differential resistance 100 Ohm. Mistmatch along the length in each diffpair 5mil (0.127mm). Mistmatch along the length in each diffpair in interface САМ0 is 100mil. Mistmatch along the length in each diffpair in interfaceСАМ1 is 100mil.
HDMI – interface Signals HDMI_D[2..0], HDMI_CLK has differential resistance of 100 Ohm. Mistmatch along the length in each diffpair is 5mil. Data HDMI_D[2..0] equalized by length with respect to HDMI_CLK within 100mil.
USB – interface USB-signals lines has differential resistance 90 Ohm. Mistmatch along the length in each diffpair is 5mil. No need to equalize length of USB data between each other.
Ethernet – interface LAN9513 Tx and Rx signals differential resistance 100 Ohm. Mistmatch along the length in each diffpair is 5mil. No need to equalize length of Tx and Rx between each other.
Albeit the layout is already done, this maybe a good idea to help someone with their on layout version. Where did you get this information? It's not mentioned in the Raspberry Compute Module Data Sheet. some details are already mentioned in the corresponding symbol blocks (that is how they are organized btw). I can add allowed tolerances To find out how differential pair length matching is done in KiCAD see