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chore: fix project build and setup GitHub Actions

Open thatfiredev opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

This PR should setup GitHub Actions on the project and fix some build errors:

  • match compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion
  • fix type inference errors on ui's C2BPaymentFragment.kt
  • use AndroidX's CardView instead of the Support Library
  • make non-null asserted call to classLoader

Also notice that when building Pull Requests, GitHub Actions will call gradlew assembleDebug testDebugUnitTest which is much faster and catches obvious bugs.

thatfiredev avatar Jun 07 '20 20:06 thatfiredev

@realdm I've squashed the commits. I don't have write permissions on this repo, you'll have to merge it. You might also need to enable Github Actions on the repo settings after merging.

thatfiredev avatar Jun 15 '20 12:06 thatfiredev