node_characterai icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Chat.sendAndAwaitResponse() doesn't properly handle waiting room

Open SeoulSKY opened this issue 11 months ago • 1 comments

Version: 1.2.7

Looks like this line throws this error.

[2024-03-18T22:40:15.521] [ERROR] default - {
  name: 'SyntaxError',
  message: "Unexpected '<'",
  at: 1,
  text: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
    '<html>\n' +
    '  <head>\n' +
    '    <title>Waiting Room powered by Cloudflare</title>\n' +
    '    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />\n' +
    '    <style type="text/css">\n' +
    '      * {\n' +
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    '  </head>\n' +
    '\n' +
    '  <body>\n' +
    '    <div id="wrapper">\n' +
    '      <main>\n' +
    '        <div class="center">\n' +
    '          <section class="content-container">\n' +
    '\n' +
    '\n' +
    '            <section>\n' +
    '<img src="" alt="logo" style="max-width: 400px;margin-left:-34px">\n' +
    '<br/>\n' +
    '              <h1>\n' +
    '                You are now in line.\n' +
    '                <br />\n' +
    '                Thanks for your patience.\n' +
    '              </h1>\n' +
    '            </section>\n' +
    '            <section>\n' +
    '\n' +
    '              <h2>\n' +
    '                        Your estimated wait time is 1 minute...\n' +
    `            <a href="" style="text-decoration:none;"><div style='background-color: #000000 ;width: 100%; padding: 10px 30px;color: white;display: flex;justify-content: center; align-items: center;font-size: 20px;border-radius: 16px; cursor: pointer;margin-top: 16px;'> user? Click here to skip the line!</div></a>\n` +
    '            <br >\n' +
    `            <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;"><div style='background-color: #056DFF; width: 100%; padding: 10px 30px;color: white;display: flex;justify-content: center; align-items: center;font-size: 20px;border-radius: 16px; cursor: pointer;'>Get</div></a>\n` +
    '              </h2>\n' +
    '              <p>\n' +
    '                We are experiencing a high volume of traffic and using a virtual\n' +
    '                queue to limit the number of users on Character.AI at the same\n' +
    '                time.\n' +
    '              </p>\n' +
    '             <p>\n' +
    "                 Your Characters will be waiting for you when it's your turn!\n" +
    '             </p>\n' +
    '              <p>\n' +
    '                <strong>\n' +
    '                    This page will automatically refresh, please do not close your\n' +
    '                    browser.\n' +
    '                </strong>\n' +
    '              </p>\n' +
    '              <p>\n' +
    '                <strong>\n' +
    '                  Last updated\n' +
    '                  <span id="last-updated"></span>\n' +
    '                </strong>\n' +
    '              </p>\n' +
    '            </section>\n' +
    '          </section>\n' +
    '        </div>\n' +
    '      </main>\n' +
    '    </div>\n' +
    '    <script>\n' +
    '      var date = new Date();\n' +
    "      document.getElementById('year').innerText = date.getFullYear();\n" +
    '      document.getElementById(\n' +
    "        'last-updated'\n" +
    '      ).innerText = date.toLocaleTimeString();\n' +
    '    </script>\n' +
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The problem is that it tries to parse HTML waiting room page into JSON

SeoulSKY avatar Mar 18 '24 23:03 SeoulSKY

Hello! That is indeed annoying and a bug. I will try to look for a workaround on this.

realcoloride avatar Apr 05 '24 07:04 realcoloride