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Advanced Go Webassembly Framework

Results 6 hogosuru issues
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considering using this for serious production use... 1. any production case studies / actual production use case now? 2. who is using it? 3. recommended for production use? 4. what...

WASM_HEADLESS=off GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go run main.go fork/exec /tmp/go-build1281126783/b001/exe/main: exec format error

https://github.com/realPy/hogosuru/blob/ee8533a3b579978e160160fd61859aa80b6c1e89/promise/promise.go#L249 use with wg.Wait() no channels or select {} https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26927479/go-language-fatal-error-all-goroutines-are-asleep-deadlock

Is actually not possible to iterate natively in nodeList element. See https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/API/NodeList/forEach In the meantime, do : ```go menuSelector, _ := d.QuerySelectorAll(".navbar-item") for i := 0; i < menuSelector.Length(); i++...

something like this for real world https://github.com/jetli/rust-yew-realworld-example-app i'm about to explore using this for good. hope to see some activity. will contribute code etc if using long term

what kind of help do u need? im interested in this proj