Pierre Martin

Results 20 comments of Pierre Martin

Hi, I can confirm @LukasDeRuiter's report. While there are both columns, the docblock explicitely states > Get EAV attribute option value by option id It lies! ![2022-09-07_06-31](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/75968/188792479-27200f0b-d498-42f3-b66a-a44ceab9c585.png) ## Problem I...

Hi @engcom-Hotel, Thanks for reopening. It indeed is `requestReturn`. Here is the code of our mutation: ```gql mutation RequestReturnMutation($input: RequestReturnInput!) { requestReturn(input: $input) { return { order { id }...

I've investigated a bit more and I have a working solution for the minimal repro (see https://github.com/front-commerce/vite-pnpm-deps-optimization/pull/3/files) with an esbuild plugin marking the package as `external: false`. I thought it...

For Vite-based projects (& Remix), this configuration should also solve the issue: ```ts // vite.config.ts import { defineConfig } from "vite"; export default defineConfig((env) => { return { // […]...

Thanks a lot! I am a bit short on time these days to stay longer on this. Of course, the issue is also in `\Dngdev_Indexer_Model_Resource_Product_Indexer_Price::clearTemporaryIndexTable`

Hey @dng-dev could you make any advancement? Do you have a rough plan about the solution, we could try to give it a try if you think it is feasible.

I ended up considering to rewrite the `reindexAll()` method directly instead of both the `clearTemporaryTable()` and `syncData()`. Doing it there would allow for instance to change the `useIdxTable()` strategy to...

I can confirm that for `remix-auth` it has to be explicitely added to the app dependencies. We've just faced this issue and it was due to our CD pipeline using...

Hi everyone! Depending on @Plopix availability for this, I'm volunteering to help getting it merged if needed. It looks like most of the work is done, and that would be...

> Thank you for your suggestions. Unfortunately, the plugin's environment has limitations that prevent the implementation of some features. Therefore, I am considering creating a standalone app to overcome these...