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Plain-text "summary" RDMD export method.
Let's add a previewText
export method to the RDMD engine to loop through the AST and remove any non-paragraph nodes. Then we can transform that to plain-text, and do the truncation in the top-level method. So it'd look something like:
import remarkToPlainText from 'remark-plain-text';
import visit from 'unist-util-flatmap';
const pTagFilter = node => node.type==='paragraph' ? node : null);
//^Our custom p tag filter "plugin"; this is all
// pseudo code, but it works something like this!
export function previewText(text, truncateAt, opts = {}) {
if (!text) return null;
[text, opts] = setup(text, opts);
text = processor(opts)
.use(tree => visit(tree, pTagFilter))
return text.slice(0, truncateAt).trim() + '...';