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kotlin-toolkit copied to clipboard

A toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Kotlin

Results 77 kotlin-toolkit issues
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## Changelog ### Added #### Navigator * Support for custom fonts with the EPUB navigator. * New EPUB user settings, as part of the revamped Settings API. * `backgroundColor` -...

## Review notes The Settings API PRs are numbered in the order of merge, but should be reviewed in reverse order, starting with https://github.com/readium/kotlin-toolkit/pull/141. However, you might want to start...

## Review notes The Settings API PRs are numbered in the order of merge, but should be reviewed in reverse order, starting with https://github.com/readium/kotlin-toolkit/pull/141. This PR refactor the EPUB navigator...

- Gradle version upgraded to 7.4.2 and Android Gradle Plugin upgraded to 7.2.2 - TargetSdk and CompileSdk upgraded to 32 - buildSrc added to manage Plugins and common Android Configs...

Although it's currently in beta at the time of opening this, media3 is basically replacing media and media2 at this point. media2 hasn't been updated since February 2022. I started...


Checklist of breaking changes for the 3.0.0. * [ ] Isolate every non-public APIs shared among Readium modules into a private internal module. * [ ] [Prefix all resources with...

## Bug Report ### What happened? When trying to open the attached epub we are seeing the following stacktrace: ``` Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Unable to find an OPF file. at...

Currently the [local storage is disabled](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebSettings#setDomStorageEnabled(boolean)) for the web views used in the EPUB navigator. Which means that a book cannot save data between two sessions. Should we support this?...


see readium/readium-desktop#120 and readium/architecture#67 It implies a modification on both the testapp and the navigator.


The current LCP lib API (findValidPassphrase(), createContext(), decrypt()) is very minimal, and as far as I know does not support decrypting buffers that are encrypted with the user key (only...
