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Refactor Readium CSS injection

Open aferditamuriqi opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

There's a good way to deal with that issue as well:

  • implement both APIs and configuration files for "injectables"
  • default to Readium CSS and Glue JS through these APIs

This would make it possible to override this behavior while making things easy enough for implementers interested in using our defaults.

The Kotlin streamer is also used by folks at TEA and CodeToArt for example and in their case, I don't think that they need our CSS/JS defaults.

Originally posted by @HadrienGardeur in https://github.com/readium/r2-streamer-kotlin/pull/38#issuecomment-434727341

aferditamuriqi avatar Oct 31 '18 20:10 aferditamuriqi

Related issue https://github.com/readium/kotlin-toolkit/issues/149

mickael-menu avatar Jan 13 '21 11:01 mickael-menu