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Translation Progress Assignment Claims
从 Todo List 中选取未被人领取过的文章:
- [ ] index
领取过,但未提 PR:
- [ ] index (@QC-L)
领取过,已提 PR:
- [ ] index #640
- [x] index #640
领取方式,在本 issue 下评论即可。
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
learn | index | @QC-L | 2021.10.28 - 2021.10.30 | -
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | index | @QC-L | 2021.10.28 - 2021.10.30 | - |
当完成时,请修改自己的认领评论,添加 PR 信息:
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | index | @QC-L | 2021.10.28 - 2021.10.30 | #602 |
[x] learn
- [x] add-react-to-an-existing-project
- [x] adding-interactivity #1053
- [x] choosing-the-state-structure #1094
- [x] conditional-rendering #636
- [x] describing-the-ui #650
- [x] editor-setup #633
- [x] escape-hatches #1165
- [x] extracting-state-logic-into-a-reducer #693
- [x] importing-and-exporting-components #637
- [x] index #696
- [x] installation #607
- [x] javascript-in-jsx-with-curly-braces #672
- [x] keeping-components-pure #642
- [x] lifecycle-of-reactive-effects #1178
- [x] managing-state #653
- [x] manipulating-the-dom-with-refs #665
- [x] passing-data-deeply-with-context #675
- [x] passing-props-to-a-component #647
- [x] preserving-and-resetting-state #679
- [x] queueing-a-series-of-state-updates #677
- [x] react-developer-tools #644
- [x] reacting-to-input-with-state #692
- [x] referencing-values-with-refs #649
- [x] removing-effect-dependencies #1144
- [x] render-and-commit #686
- [x] rendering-lists #676
- [x] responding-to-events #635
- [x] reusing-logic-with-custom-hooks #1157
- [x] scaling-up-with-reducer-and-context #694
- [x] separating-events-from-effects #1167
- [x] sharing-state-between-components #652
- [x] start-a-new-react-project #1111
- [x] state-a-components-memory #651
- [x] state-as-a-snapshot #643
- [x] synchronizing-with-effects #1269
- [x] thinking-in-react #682
- [x] tutorial-tic-tac-toe #1116
- [x] updating-arrays-in-state #654
- [x] updating-objects-in-state #1136
- [x] writing-markup-with-jsx #673
- [x] you-might-not-need-an-effect #1155
- [x] your-first-component #641
[x] reference
- [x] react-dom
- [x] client
- [x] createRoot #1266
- [x] hydrateRoot #1139
- [x] index #1171
- [x] components
- [x] hooks
- [x] useFormState #1367
- [x] useFormStatus #1348
- [x] server
- [x] index #1202
- [x] renderToNodeStream #1205
- [x] renderToPipeableStream #1257
- [x] renderToReadableStream #1228
- [x] renderToStaticMarkup #1149
- [x] renderToStaticNodeStream #1206
- [x] renderToString #1181
- [x] createPortal #1140
- [x] findDOMNode #1203
- [x] flushSync #1244
- [x] hydrate #1211
- [x] index #1221
- [x] render #632
- [x] unmountComponentAtNode #1204
- [x] client
- [x] react
- [x] apis #1175
- [x] components #1131
- [x] createContext #1120
- [x] directives #1247
- [x] experimental_useEffectEvent #1161
- [x] forwardRef #1147
- [x] Fragment #1174
- [x] index #1098
- [x] isValidElement #1191
- [x] lazy #1101
- [x] memo #1160
- [x] Profiler #1180
- [x] startTransition #1104
- [x] StrictMode #1186
- [x] Suspense #1176
- [x] useCallback #1231
- [x] useContext #1097
- [x] useDebugValue #1141
- [x] useDeferredValue #1156
- [x] useEffect #1122
- [x] useId #1108
- [x] useImperativeHandle #1123
- [x] useInsertionEffect #1166
- [x] useLayoutEffect #1106
- [x] useMemo #1121
- [x] useReducer #1268
- [x] useRef #1132
- [x] useState #1135
- [x] useSyncExternalStore #1143
- [x] useTransition #1142
- [x] use-client #1248 #1377
- [x] use-server #1250 #1378
- [x] react-dom
Site UI
- [x] index #1087
- [x] sidebars
- [x] top-level navigation
Secondary Content
- [x] legacy
- [x] Children #1222
- [x] cloneElement #1207
- [x] Component #1234
- [x] createElement #1210
- [x] createFactory #1220
- [x] createRef #1138
- [x] index #1251
- [x] PureComponent #1209
Optional Content
[x] community
- [x] acknowledgements
- [x] conferences (not to translate)
- [x] docs-contributors #1260
- [x] index
- [x] meet-the-team #1271
- [x] meetups (not to translate)
- [x] team
- [x] versioning-policy #1256
- [x] videos (not to translate)
[x] blog
- [x] index #1212
- [x] 2020/12/21
- [x] 2021
- [x] 06/08
- [x] the-plan-for-react-18 #1246
- [x] 12/17
- [x] react-conf-2021-recap #1259
- [x] 06/08
- [x] 2022
- [x] 03
- [x] 08
- [x] react-18-upgrade-guide #1263
- [x] 29
- [x] react-v18 #1245
- [x] 08
- [x] 06/15
- [x] 03
- [x] 2023/03
- [x] 16
- [x] introducing-react-dev #1219
- [x] 22
- [x] 16
- [x] 2023/05/03
- [x] react-canaries #1213
[x] warnings
- [x] invalid-aria-prop #1224
- [x] invalid-hook-call-warning #1153
- [x] special-props #1226
- [x] unknown-prop #1227
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | add-react-to-a-website | @atrist | 2021.10.29 - 2021.11.1 | #640 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | adding-interactivity | @wenmin92 | 2021.10.29 - 2021.10.31 | https://github.com/reactjs/zh-hans.reactjs.org/pull/605 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | choosing-the-state-structure | @davont | 2021.10.31 - 2021.11.3 | #1094 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | your-first-component | @fine-bot | 2021.10.28 - 2021.11.01 | https://github.com/reactjs/zh-hans.reactjs.org/pull/641 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | managing-state | @qinhua | 2021.10.28 - 2021.10.29 | #653 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | conditional-rendering | @Alienover | 2021.10.28 - 2021.10.30 | #615 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | rendering-lists | @Megrax | 2021.10.28 - 2021.11.28 | #676 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | responding-to-events | @Jiacheng787 | 2021.10.29 - 2021.10.31 | #635 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | describing-the-ui | @ChelesteWang | 2021.10.28 - 2021.10.28 | #606 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | editor-setup | @dahui4dev | 2021.10.29 - 2021.10.31 | https://github.com/reactjs/zh-hans.reactjs.org/pull/633 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | thinking-in-react | @HerbertHe | 2021.10.28 - 2021.11.2 | #682 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | keeping-components-pure | @7ooz | 2021.10.29 - 2021.10.30 | #642 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | sharing-state-between-components | @qinhua | 2021.10.29 - 2021.10.30 | #652 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | installation | @ChelesteWang | 2021.10.28 - 2021.10.30 | #607 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | writing-markup-with-jsx | @songhn233 | 2021.10.29 - 2021.10.31 | #673 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
api | render | @liu-jin-yi | 2021.10.30 - 2021.11.2 | #632 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | state-as-a-snapshot | @7ooz | 2021.10.31 - 2021.11.01 | #643 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | importing-and-exporting-components | @Alienover | 2021.10.30 - 2021.11.01 | #618 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | extracting-state-logic-into-a-reducer | @qinhua | 2021.11.1 - 2021.11.4 | #693 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | react-developer-tools | @dahui4dev | 2021.11.01 - 2021.11.03 | #644 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | reacting-to-input-with-state | @fine-bot | 2021.11.04 - 2021.12.05 | - |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | passing-props-to-a-component | @SylviaZ89 | 2021.11.04 - 2021.11.07 | #647 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | state-a-components-memory | @7ooz | 2021.11.4 - 2021.11.6 | #651 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | referencing-values-with-refs | @SylviaZ89 | 2021.11.05 - 2021.11.07 | #649 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | updating-arrays-in-state | @yliaz | 2021.11.06 - 2021.11.08 | #654 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | updating-objects-in-state | @yliaz | 2021.11.09 - 2021.11.13 | #664 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | manipulating-the-dom-with-refs | @SylviaZ89 | 2021.11.11 - 2021.11.14 | #665 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
api | reactdom | @liu-jin-yi | 2021.11.12 - 2021.11.20 | #662 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | javascript-in-jsx-with-curly-braces | @flynn-eye | 2021.11.19 - 2021.11.27 | #672 |
Section | Title | 译者 | 完成时间 | PR |
learn | queueing-a-series-of-state-updates | @Jiacheng787 | 2021.11.22 - 2021.11.28 | #677 |