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Update Glossary / Methodology of work
Glossary 📔
I think that we should update the glossary accurately, as we review all the words and the corresponding translation so as not to fall into conflict ..
Methodology of work 🛃
Should be identify contributors and provide our own communication platform such as SLACK, DISCORD, TELEGRAM or even MESSENGER ...etc , so that we can communicate in everything ..
Note : I know we have Slack room but the problem is that it is not active and there are some active contributors that are not in it ..
Let's do it. We will use this issue to discuss glossary changes 👍
I didn't know that there was a Slack room 😅
Should be update the glossary in the point of high-order components
There is a conflict between these two expressions :
- 1 - المكونات ذات الترتيب الأعلى
- 2 - مكونات من المرتبة الأعلى
==> I prefer the first expression.
What is the proposed translation for
- Major
- Minor
- Patch
Version : Major.Minor.Patch
What do you think of this site as ref. !
What is the proposed translation for
- Major
- Minor
- Patch
Version : Major.Minor.Patch
What do you think of this site as ref. !
I would go with
- Major --> رئيسي
- Minor --> ثانوي/فرعي
- Path --> رُقعة/تصحيح
There is a proposal by @Fcmam5 ( #130 ) to amend the translation of DOCS from المستندات
to التوثيق
There is a proposal by @Fcmam5 ( #130 ) to amend the translation of DOCS from
I would keep it as is, its clearer that way imo
EDIT: يجب أن تبقى كما هي وذلك لأن "التوثيق" عبارة عن مصدر "وَثَّقَ" وهي ليست بالمعنى المُراد هنا. "المُتسندات" هي الكلمة الصحيحة برأييي
What is the proposed translation for ; Data-Driven
.. ?
لدي إقتراح أتنمى أن ينال القبول من الجميع بخصوص القاموس وترجمة الكلمات التقنية الخاصة بالبرمجة، لكل منا جهود خاصة في الترجمة ومحاولة إثراء المحتوى العربي عموما، إلا أنه قد يجد إختلاف مع باقي المبرمجين ولا أعتقد أن كل واحد منا قد مر بهذا الموقف وفي محاولة لتفادي الصدام أنشأت مستودع مع زميلي @celyes يخص الكلمات المتعلقة بالبرمجة ليكون مرجع نستند إليه.
هذا المشروع قيد الإنجاز لذا تترددو في طرح إقتراحات قد تساعد في تطويره.
معا تحياتي للجميع ❤
repositorie i18n
لتفادي الاختلاط في المصطلحات التقنية، يرجى منكم ان الاطلاع على هذا المستودع: SoftVenue i18n كما أن أي مساهمة فيه مرحب بها و تحياتنا للجميع @SoftVenue
just suggestions
bug = خطأ framework = أداة log = سجل release = إصدار bind = ربط
just suggestions
bug = خطأ framework = أداة log = سجل release = إصدار bind = ربط
Hi Ahmed, some of these terms have other translations that everyone is using like: bug = عِلّة or خطأ برمجي framework = إطار عمل
And these ones seems to be the right translations:
log = سجل release = إصدار bind = ربط
The last three words shouldn't be translated .. Leave it as is ...
I suggest دليل التنسيق
as a translation for Style Guide
I suggest
دليل التنسيق
as a translation forStyle Guide
@Fcmam5 please bro , add this to glossary !
TLDR; Facebook => فيسبوك or Facebook Instagram => Instagram Web => ويب
Please translate Facebook
as فيسبوك
or keep it as it is. I know sometimes it causes some formatting issues if we keep it untranslated.
I found that it's translated as فيس بوك
here which is not correct (please check Facebook's arabic pages)
َAlso, page I found that Instagram
is translated as انستقرام
which is incorrect, in Facebook's help pages the word Instagram
is not translated, so there's no official translation for the word, for that we should keep it as it is.
TLDR; Facebook => فيسبوك or Facebook Instagram => Instagram Web => ويب
Please translate
or keep it as it is. I know sometimes it causes some formatting issues if we keep it untranslated.I found that it's translated as
فيس بوك
here which is not correct (please check Facebook's arabic pages)َAlso, page I found that
which is incorrect, in Facebook's help pages the word
Instagram ==> انستقرام or Instagram or check this for more details Facebook ==> فيس بوك or فيسبوك or Facebook or check this for more details
Prove of FB:
dependencies ==> إعتمادات
How should i translate continuous integration
, should i translate it ?
How should i translate
continuous integration
, should i translate it ?
I did a quick research and found the following
- تركيب متواصل Wikipedia
- التكامل المستمر,
Which one you think we should use?
I think التكامل المستمر
is better .. !
So, mocking
Should i translate it to تقليد
لا ادري اذا كان هنالك كلمة أفضل if it's ok, i think it should be added to the glossary to help other people working on the testing pages
I also noticed conflicts with code
sometimes it's translated as شيفرة
sometimes كود
Timer ?! مؤقتات or عداد 🤔 !!
@Aissaoui-Ahmed @aladin002dz @asantarissy ...
Please, what translation should we use for "Concurrent mode" ?
- وضع متزامن
- وضع تنافسي
For the first suggestion it was applied by Arabyes team:, and in some Hsoub translations as المهام الفرعية (Threads، وتدعى "الخيوط" أيضًا) هي الطريقة التي تنفذ بها روبي البرمجة المتزامنة (concurrent programming). البرامج التي تتطلب تنفيذ عدة مهام فرعية يمكنها استخدام الصنف Thread.
And the second suggestion seems also logical and it was chosen in this blog:
What's your input?
لتفادي الاختلاط في المصطلحات التقنية، يرجى منكم ان الاطلاع على هذا المستودع: SoftVenue i18n كما أن أي مساهمة فيه مرحب بها و تحياتنا للجميع @softvenue thanks for your efforts i hope You all the Best
What is the proposed translation for code
What is the proposed translation for