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Reactive Streams for APNs

Reactive APNs Connector

Akka-stream-apns is an Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) connector built on top of Akka Streams. As of version 0.2, akka-stream-apns uses the latest HTTP/2-based APNs provider API.


resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("reactivehub", "maven")

libraryDependencies += "com.reactivehub" %% "akka-stream-apns" % "0.10"

Quick Start

To use the connector, you need a push notification client SSL certificate and a device token. See System Requirements for more details on how to choose a TLS provider.

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
import io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoopGroup
import reactivehub.akka.stream.apns.TlsUtil.loadPkcs12FromResource
import reactivehub.akka.stream.apns._
import reactivehub.akka.stream.apns.marshallers.SprayJsonSupport

object Main extends App with SprayJsonSupport {
  implicit val system = ActorSystem("system")
  implicit val _ = ActorMaterializer()

  import system.dispatcher

  val group = new NioEventLoopGroup()
  val apns = ApnsExt(system).connection[Int](
    loadPkcs12FromResource("/cert.p12", "password"),

  val deviceToken = DeviceToken("64-chars hex string")

  val payload = Payload.Builder()

  Source.single(1 → Notification(deviceToken, payload))
    .onComplete { _ ⇒

Payload Builder

Akka-stream-apns comes with a convenient payload builder. The payload is a JSON object with the required key apns and zero or more custom keys. The builder can use a JSON library of your choice; just mix in SprayJsonSupport, PlayJsonSupport or LiftJsonSupport or bring into scope your own PayloadMarshaller.

val payload = Payload.Builder()
  .withAlert("Bob wants to play poker")
  .withLocalizedAlert("GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT", "Jenna", "Frank")
  .withTitle("Game Request")
  .withCustomField("acme1", "bar")
  .withCustomField("acme2", 42)

System Requirements

Akka-stream-apns works with Java 8 and newer.

HTTP/2 over TLS requires the use of ALPN. Java, however, currently does not support ALPN. As akka-stream-apns internally uses Netty's codec-http2 to connect to APNs servers, there are two options how to do TLS:


  • No reconnect/resend on error (yet)


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